Thursday, December 30, 2004 

MSNBC -: "�No man is an island,
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
Each man's death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls.
It tolls for thee.�"

Wednesday, December 29, 2004 - Tsunami�risks future of Maldives islands - Dec 29, 2004: "'Our nation is in peril here,' Shaheed said. 'Life as we know it in this country is in some parts gone. Thailand, Sri Lanka, India -- these are big countries with a lot of land area. They can bounce back from disasters like this. For us, it's not so easy.'"

Tuesday, December 28, 2004 

MSNBC - The decline of TNR: "Quote of the Day: Support Our Troops' is a wonderful patriotic slogan. But the best way to support troops thrust by unwise commanders in chief into ill-advised adventures like Vietnam and Iraq is to bring them home. Sooner rather than later. That should be our New Year's resolution. � Al Neuharth, founder of USA Today."

Monday, December 27, 2004 

I want to take a moment out to say that my heart truly goes out to those of you that have had to deal with the massive flooding and assorted problems that came with the 9.0 earthquake. Words it seems are so meaningless at a time like this, but hopefully you do understand the depth of feeling and sorrow that I do feel. You are in my prayers and heart.


News Hounds: Christmas Under Seige

Interesting link, AOL . - NFL - Ratto: Divine Forgiveness: "This was the briefest slice of his life, a moment in time that came and went quickly. And the reason it came and went quickly can be attributed to White's essential decency. He wanted to speak to an issue that was in reality a third rail in American life, one in an increasing number of third rails that get in the way of people reaching out to those with different opinions."


BBC NEWS | World | Americas | War on terror 'vanishes from agenda': "'President Bush has conflated Iraq and the war on terrorism into one thing, and therefore when they're working on Iraq they think they're working on the war on terrorism - which of course they're not because it's a very different thing.
'The administration probably believes its own rhetoric when they say they've captured or killed three-quarters of al-Qaeda leaders, and that al-Qaeda's on the ropes,' he says. "


South Asian Tsunamis | Metafilter: "nature is indifferent, but what scares me is when people are indifferent to nature."


MSNBC - Witness: Devastation on a biblical scale: "Within minutes, the beach and the area behind it had become an inland sea that rushed over the road and poured into the flimsy houses on the other side. The speed with which it all happened seemed like a scene from the Bible, a natural phenomenon unlike anything I had experienced. "

Saturday, December 25, 2004 

MSNBC - Further Gitmo detainee abuse alleged


Merry xmas. Great day today? I had a good one. And, my angel gets back tomorrow which makes it even nicer. Hopefully she didn't find herself a nice young mexican man down in Cabo to take my place.

Here we are on the cusp of a new year. What is it going to be like? I have to say I am worried, but I am such a punk like that. The news about the dollar falling, the news out of Iraq, the constant news about different odd weather patterns- it ain't no fucking blow jobs and shit anymore is it kiddies?

Its getting real in here. Read today that our government is flooding the market with money right now, to keep things going. Supposedly, and I have no idea if this is true, in one year they pumped like 2 decades worth of currency on the market (18% jump)-- this means that in the years between 1940-50 they put in like 16% more currency so our economic team (greenspan) did this jump in just one year. Wow. Like I said, who knows about the numbers, but I guess the underlying point to me is there is some fishy shit going on- I don't like it.

In this same discussion at they were also talking about the manufacturing problem that we have here. That we don't produce dooky anymore (even dooky is being produced in China these days I guess). Underlined problems. Or underlying?

See, it sucks to be in my mind. These weights and these fears. I sometimes wish I could just see $$ or money as the goal and that was it (some people in my family seem to think that is it for me), but it is so much more. It is so much deeper.

On the plus side, my new nephew is such a cute little guy with such big cheeks and such an appetite. Seems he doesn't like me very much-- I really have only seen him cry twice and he was in my arms both times-- but hopefully he will warm up to me. I ain't such a bad guy I just smell bad and my eyes are crosseyed- ain't no thing.

Anyway peoples, merry times to you and yours. Have a great new year. Hug a tree. Smile.

Thursday, December 23, 2004 

Merry holidays to you all or happy Christmas or, whatever.

Nice time of year this time of year thought it ain’t like it used to be when we were kids. It is all a test, indeed. The biggest test these days for me is keeping myself excited and happy and positive. I feel so excited for my own future, but I get so wrapped up in how we are doing, how things are generally going that it is tough. Just like Bill Moyers and maybe even LL.

I want to be engaged with you all and feel like we are all together on this ride, this successful ride. But sometimes I just feel like TMac out there the other night, having to pull it out at the end by myself, in spite of the team. Sometimes I fail or sometimes I succeed, but it always feels so alone. Can’t we all just get along?

So many things in the way though huh Rodney? Like the Palestinians versus Israels, like Pistons versus Pacers, like Kobe versus Shaq. Weird vibe that- the ego thing always having its way. Even my own family playing it out- my ego and my views are more important than yours. Our people are better than your people, our team is better than your team, my wallet is bigger than your wallet. It is happening even now with Mr. George Bush and the re-nomination of his fringe conservative judges, for just one small example. Some people may not agree, don’t force things down peoples throats… come on. Be understanding, put yourself in other shoes.

It gets me so down and so depressed about us. Like a coke addict who can’t get enough, we binge on this shit until we are ultimately unsuccessful.

And I guess that is what it comes down to for me, success. I plan on it for myself and want it for all of us. We deserve it.

Have a great fucking holiday people, much love. Go Dwayne.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004 

"I read all this and look up at the pictures on my desk, next to the computer � pictures of my grandchildren: Henry, age 12; of Thomas, age 10; of Nancy, 7; Jassie, 3; Sara Jane, 9 months. I see the future looking back at me from those photographs and I say, 'Father, forgive us, for we know not what we do.' And then I am stopped short by the thought: 'That's not right. We do know what we are doing. We are stealing their future. Betraying their trust. Despoiling their world.'"


AlterNet: Battlefield Earth: "That's one challenge we journalists face � how to tell such a story without coming across as Cassandras, without turning off the people we most want to understand what's happening, who must act on what they read and hear." - Band of snow stretches across U.S. - Dec 22, 2004: "It was part of a band of snow stretching from New Mexico, where some schools were closed, to the lower Great Lakes."

Tuesday, December 21, 2004 

LL Cool J - Hush Lyrics: "Its all a test; the pain, the drama
The villa in the bahamas
The highs, the lows
The hoop-t, the Rolls
The money flowin
Certain doors that we go in"


CBC News: New Iraqi prisoner abuse allegations surface



MSNBC - E-mail shows FBI concerned about Guantanamo tactics: "The White House denied a suggestion in an FBI e-mail dated May 22, 2004, that Bush personally signed off on certain interrogation techniques in an executive order. The FBI declined comment."


MSNBC -: "3. The American media has a liberal bias:
I think we can pretty much put this one to bed.
The mainstream media has so tiptoed around the voting irregularities stories that it�s deflated any reasonable belief that there are swarms of reporters bypassing facts to substitute their own agendas. Instead of a circus, the Conyers �voting forums� have received tepid coverage.
Had there been a reversal of the poles in this political equation, of course, the impenetrable Sean Hannity would be in his 49th consecutive day of broadcasting without sleep, and by now would�ve already announced that Democrats from Outer Space had stolen the election."

Monday, December 20, 2004 - White House: FDA doing 'spectacular job' - Dec 20, 2004: "WASHINGTON (AP) -- The federal drug safety agency is doing a 'spectacular job' of protecting the public, the White House chief of staff said Sunday. The assessment drew an immediate outcry from a Senate critic who charged that government oversight under the Bush administration has proved 'a catastrophic failure.'"

Does he mean catastrphic success? Wow, who isn't doing a great job according to Bush Co.? Oh yea, lawyers working for citizen/consumer rights and government programs aiding the elderly poor.


The New York Times > Opinion > Op-Ed Columnist: War on the Cheap: "From the earliest planning stages until now, the war in Iraq has been a tragic exercise in official incompetence. The original rationale for the war was wrong. The intelligence was wrong. The estimates of required troop strength were wrong. The war hawks' guesses about the response of the Iraqi people were wrong. The cost estimates were wrong, and on and on.
Nevertheless the troops have fought valiantly, and the price paid by many has been horrific. They all deserve better than the bad faith and shoddy treatment they are receiving from the highest officials of their government. "


Surfline | Eddie Aikau (May 4, 1946-March 17, 1978): "'Don't worry, I can do it. I can get to land.' "


MSNBC - Bush: Rumsfeld doing 'a really fine job': "President Bush defended embattled Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld on Monday, saying the Pentagon chief was doing a really fine job."

Begs the question of what would be a poor job? Ah, fuck it.

Sunday, December 19, 2004 

Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall: "And that's just what the advocates of 'Social Security reform' with private accounts are up to. They want to phase out the program; but they're just too cowardly to say it. They lack the confidence of their ideological ambitions. "

Friday, December 17, 2004 

MSNBC - Billboard escalates Cuban Christmas crisis

Thursday, December 16, 2004 

To my angel:

I hope your day is going well. At the risk of annoying you I justwant to let you know how important you are and what you are worth tome and many others.I hope that we can join in this view together.

That we can both startfeeling sometimes annoyingly optimistic with one another and what ourfuture holds. It is not easy work, but truly needed especially these days.

There are so many things to be positive about: how beautiful you are, the beautiful home that you own, the great little pets, the great jobs that we both have, the amazing state and country we live in, the amazing future that is out there for both of us if we set our minds to it and all the people who love you and would be there for you through anything. So little else truly matters.

It turns out I guess that this first month has not been so easy and it started so well. Hopefully we will get a chance to talk about this soon (maybe tonight depending on your schedule and mine [I need to dosome shopping... ugh!]). I so want to show you the Light and I want to understand better if perhaps you see it, but maybe just not with me, or you just are not into it. All these things and you are so exceptional- you deserve what your heart is telling you. I hate seeing you cry and I feel like I cause it... that I am not doing enough right. We deserve so much more. Love, me

Wednesday, December 15, 2004 

Yahoo! News - 2004 Signals More Global Warming, Extreme Weather: UN


MSNBC - 2004 was fourth-warmest year on record

Tuesday, December 14, 2004 

Good afternoon etherworld.

Wanted to post a picture of Nightcrawler here, but it seems too difficult. (BAMF!) will have to do. I think I have been playing too much X-Men: Legends.

Interesting quality, that. Always intrigued me... being able to teleport. To just disappear. More amazing to me than most any of the other X-Men characters not just for abilities, but the man too. A devil with a tail, scars and tattoos all over his body and yet so spiritual and kind. Of all the Marvels...

Rambling thoughts here on this quiet December 14.

Now that I am away from Dragon Lady's' and Little Big Man's dark land I want to say to you, employee's and customers how sorry I am that things turned out as they did. $10billion speaks very loudly no? Not unlike the dark whisperings that come to us all at times. Why not turn away?

Such an illusion we have created for ourself here, with this money thing. Some are worthy because they have it, some aren't cause they don't. Or that is what they (what we?) want you to believe. Or believe that because you have god in your heart and in your mind that things will be better later. Such sad, pitiful illusions. The moment is so precious, now.

Sent some emails to my old coworkers today. One responded about his excitement and that he thought the L Land was doing well and on the right track to take us down and take others down. Like I wrote, we will see. Personally, I think this next decade will be a fun one and we shall see the tides continue to break apart those that are not honest with themselves and honest with others. There is only so long a company can last by alienating clients, employees and doing a bad job at customer service. Maybe that is just me or is Tommy's world the blueprint for this on a small scale?

Rambling thoughts on these fun holiDays.


MSNBC - Can MoveOn Move On?: "French general Ferdinand Foch at the second battle of the Marne in World War I: �My center is giving way, my right is pulled back� Situation excellent. I shall attack.� "

Great quote. Words to live by.


MSNBC - Rumsfeld under fire for handling of Iraq: "Asked about his confidence in the secretary�s leadership, McCain recalled fielding a similar question a couple weeks ago. �I said no. My answer is still no. No confidence,� McCain said."


Boxer criticizes vetting of security nominee / She also speaks out on drugs in baseball and Rumsfeld's war: "Sen. Barbara Boxer warned Monday that Americans 'should feel concerned' about the administration's 'very bad job of vetting' Bernard Kerik, who withdrew as President Bush's nominee to head the Department of Homeland Security last week within days of his selection because of questions about his career and personal life. "

Saturday, December 11, 2004 

"I was a warrior. You know? I always have been. I’ve always felt that way -- that if there are people who can’t defend themselves, it’s my responsibility to do that," says Pfc. Dan Felushko, 24.,,1-3-1397131-3,00.html

Our military is low on parts, pay and morale. If called on by the commander-in-chief today, two entire divisions of the Army would have to report ... Not ready for duty, sir.
George W. Bush, August 3, 2000


TIME - Tony Karon - : Iraq Civilian Casualties? Who Knew?

Friday, December 10, 2004 

MSNBC - U.S. soldiers take complaints to new level: "The hubbub over an exchange between Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and soldiers in Kuwait has given fresh ammunition to critics of the Bush administration�s Iraq policy.
It also highlighted growing morale and motivation problems in the 21-month-old war that even some administration supporters say must be addressed to get off a slippery slope that could eventually lead to breakdowns reminiscent of the Vietnam War. "


MSNBC - Nobel prize awarded to environmentalist: "�We are called to assist the Earth to heal her wounds and in the process heal our own indeed, to embrace the whole creation in all its diversity, beauty and wonder,� Maathai said. �This will happen if we see the need to revive our sense of belonging to a larger family of life, with which we have shared our evolutionary process.�"


MSNBC - Shipwreck off Alaska becomes major oil spill: "Near a national wildlife refuge 800 miles southwest of Anchorage, the area is home to Steller sea lions, an endangered species; Steller�s eiders, a threatened species; and western Alaska sea otters, a population that has dropped to such low levels that a threatened listing is pending. "

Thursday, December 09, 2004 

Thank you for your thoughtful response to a piece that I have yet to read, but seemingly understand the gist of through a number of reactions that I have read.

I take an entirely different view from both you and Mr. Beinart and that is that unfortunately we are at an incredible place in history, even more significant than our times during the cold war and possibly even more significant than any time in human history. The war I speak of involves multi-national corporations essentially against people (extreme capitalism vs. extreme islam [for now]).

I struggle with how this might be commonly articulated, but just as you have seen success with your site due to people needing and wanting a separate view from our corporate controlled media, so to do our fellow humans in the Sudan, Middle East, China/Taiwan, Russia and the Ukraine want a refocusing on people as opposed to profits. In effect a refocusing on our land and fellow man as an invaluable resource and partner instead of a tool.

The examples where our own extremities have failed or are going to fail are all around us, in the healthcare crisis that we are facing where basic services are being denied, to retirement fund privatization, to the destruction of our very environment and fellow species.

We need to revisit what a commodity is and work to provide that to all people/species and then allow our great idea of free markets to help us with the rest. We need to confront openly and honestly together what building of highly destructive military gear does (what originally is built perhaps for defense quickly turns into something, as it gets older and out of date, screaming for any usage at all). If we do not we will not only lose the ‘terror war’, but most anything else humanity needs to continue living. - Students fight�for right to bare all - Dec 9, 2004: "Students have long enjoyed an informal policy allowing them to go naked on campus. Whether it was as a topless sunbather lounging on the lawn or students running naked at an annual bonfire party, college officials turned a blind eye."

Wednesday, December 08, 2004 

Raed in the Middle: "This remark also distills the political situation in the US perfectly. Like all of other aspects of life in these days of the terminal stage of capitalism, elections are just a marketing ploy, a brand to manufacture desire and consent." - Troops put thorny questions to Rumsfeld - Dec 8, 2004

Mr. and Mrs. Media are you paying attention? These folks who are putting their lives on the line are also having to do your jobs. Embarrassed any? You spineless fucks.


MSNBC - U.S. on defensive at global warming talks - Gorillas hold 'wake' for�group's leader - Dec 8, 2004: "'It was like they used to do in the exhibit, lying side by side on the mountain,' keeper Betty Green said. 'Then Bana rose up and looked at us and moved to Babs' other side, tucked her head under the other arm, and stroked Babs' stomach.'" - Rumsfeld�faces tough questions from troops - Dec 8, 2004: "'Why do we soldiers have to dig through local landfills for pieces of scrap metal and compromised ballistic glass to uparmor our vehicles?' Wilson asked. A big cheer arose from the approximately 2,300 soldiers in the cavernous hangar who assembled to see and hear the secretary of defense."

Tuesday, December 07, 2004 

MSNBC - Those biased facts: "As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.
- H.L. Mencken."

Monday, December 06, 2004 

Had a dream about Iraq last night that I just remembered- it is weird how they come back to you in waves isn’t it?

It was beautiful at first. It was a gorgeous building I was in that was larger than most any I have ever been in, besides a few churches in Russia I have visited. It was spectacular and I got the feeling that it was a very religious building I was in. I was in a large hallway, not unlike those they have in the Louver Museum (not sure if I spelled that right), but seemed to go on forever. Again, my feeling of respect and deference to this magical place was palatable. I woke up with it on my tongue.

I was all alone in this hallway, feeling so amazed and wondering where I was. I peeked in a door and it was then that I first realized I was in Iraq. I do not know why this feeling came over me. I observed many people in a large room practicing their religion and socializing in a way that all people do. It was such a peaceful feeling though I knew that I was observing something that those inside might otherwise prefer I did not. So I kept myself as hidden as I could, peeking through that door.

So there I was observing something I felt bad about intruding in, but in awe nonetheless. This incredible building and these amazing people were an overwhelming thing to see.

Very quickly though the situation changed and I was quickly very scared. I understood then that I was somewhere where I did not belong, not in the way that I was there, and that I needed to run and get away very quickly.

This is my long way of saying that my heart goes out to you folks who are stuck over there, possibly feeling as I might have though it was only in my mind’s eye last night. I can only imagine how it is there on the ground, in those beautiful buildings. - Senator: Public�needs 'cold, hard facts' on Iraq - Dec 6, 2004: "'We really need cold, hard facts and honesty,' Chafee said. 'The situation is tough over there.'"

Sunday, December 05, 2004 

Yahoo! News - Climate Talks Bring Bush's Policy to Fore: "When all these indicators 'line up in the same direction, what's the possibility that's all an accident?' asked Stephen H. Schneider, who co-directs Stanford University's Center for Environmental Science and Policy and advocates stricter carbon limits."


MSNBC -: "That�s a lesson that should be remembered by Secretary of State Blackwell. A presidency, like a baseball season, is fleeting. History is not. As George W. Bush seeks the legacy so important to every second-term president, it should be remembered by him as well."

Saturday, December 04, 2004 

PopMatters Music Feature | How Hip-Hop Music Is Slowly Transcending Its Circular Culture: "If you want to know how hiphop is doing, then ask yourself: How am I doing? Where am I going?
� Mos Def "

Friday, December 03, 2004 

Yes, that was me out there winded and exhausted last night. In the 40degree cold I had a few spurts, but overall the game passed me by last night, but I will be back.

It was me who took that last game to overtime, there was something, but man, did nothing with it. If only close counted. It’s such a weird game isn’t it? Not unlike golf in that if you don’t play enough it just is so hard. Ain’t like riding a bike.

So had a hard day on the court and a long week at work and then a tough night at home with the lady. She is not happy with some things that I am doing recently. To her it is a touchy issue and, has become an integrity issue. To me, it is a control issue. I hope that we can figure it out for she is an angel when she is not calling me a liar and making me feel less of a man.

And so the world keeps turning and whirling. Funny little game we got here.


Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall: November 28, 2004 - December 04, 2004 Archives



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