Wednesday, October 29, 2008 

"McCain and Sarah Palin's attack against Obama for advocating "spreading the wealth" and for "socialism" and for pronouncing the civil rights revolution a "tragedy" because it didn't deal with the distribution of wealth is aimed ultimately at white working class undecided voters"

And so is this:  As our black hating friend Daniel Carver may say, "Wake up white people".  They are fucking with you and you are letting them do it.  Let's be clear on this right now: you are not going to become a billionaire in America right now.  That market is cornered and they are not opening it up.  That is what this election is about.  The America you have in your hearts, the American Dream we knew about and the America that you believe that McCain/Palin are speaking to, the bastion of free markets and upward mobility, was killed.  I don't want to peg the date as to when it started dying and then died and then got pissed on by BushCo, but let's be real with each other about this.  'It is not about race now' as my boy Game would say.  We are in this together and I need you and us to be strong and be smart about this.  

Barack, in his flawed way, is going to try and restore this America you have in your hearts.  He is not going to cop out with simple labels like 'Joe the Plumber', 'Mary the Secretary' or other banal platitudes McCain/Palin throw us because they think we are dumb and only going to vote with our reptilian brains.  He is going to speak to you in a different way than you are used to and may enact things you don't agree with (he certainly will enact things I don't agree with) but we need to get past these bullshit labels and move our country forward.  We can.  

Tuesday, October 28, 2008 

I think this is an important short term point and action to take while this sort of analysis and discussion (and eventual action to change this) is equally important.   

I wrote Mr. Brooks to let him know how much I admire him for continuing this discussion even though I don't always agree with him.  I think in the medium term we have to do not only some of the things that Taleb suggests (changing how risk is quantified) but also explore changing our capitalist system to not simply reward 3 month gains/losses and also force them to take in the long term strategic view.  

Friday, October 24, 2008 

Taken on the whole, I would believe that Gandhi's views were the most enlightened of all the political men in our time


Friday, October 17, 2008 

Prior and fellow right-handed pitcher Kerry Wood were dubbed "Chicago Heat" by Sports Illustrated, and the name stuck, as the twosome were dominant in leading the Cubs to an 88-win season and a division title. However, sportswriters and fans began to criticize Dusty Baker on the high-pitch count of the two pitchers. Despite the concerns, Prior and Wood continued to pitch high counts throughout the season. In 2003, Prior averaged 113.4 pitches per starts in regular season. In the month of September, Prior recorded 126 pitches per starts. Prior averaged another 120 pitches games in the Postseason and struggled with an injury next season. Pundits often blame Baker for ruining the careers of both pitchers.

No I am not still bitter about Cubs just shitting the bed in the playoffs and dwelling on past issues.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008 

Op-Ed Columnist - Palin’s Kind of Patriotism -

Op-Ed Columnist - Palin’s Kind of Patriotism - "And we have not yet even felt the full economic brunt here. I fear we may be at that moment just before the tsunami hits — when the birds take flight and the insects stop chirping because their acute senses can feel what is coming before humans can."

Mr. Friedman, this human does sense it. It is starting to chill his bones.

How did we get here to this place? De-regulation sure, but other extremes too as referred to in 2004 on this shady little blog. As we were fighting a bastardizing of religious extremism it always struck me that here, at home, we had a little extremism of our own. Of course we have religious extremism ourselves, but the kind that worried me the most was different and it involved capitalism and our faith in the markets and consumption. It took us to this place we are now where if you listen closely you can hear just a bit of a rustle as those with keener senses find cover.


The troubles we stand to face now pale in comparison methinks to 9/11, the tsunami, the anthrax attacks. It more than likely will cement that we are in fact one now... a global community, but sadly this is not the way anyone could have wanted that to come about.

How will it end up? It is the question on everyone's lips and isn't it the scariest question of all because no one has an answer. Our 'leadership' is bunkering up for the winter.

Like a stormy winter though I simply hope that it cleans and refreshes the air however for a new awakening as a global community come spring. Hopefully after the pain and the rain passes we will be able to look at each other with fresh eyes and open spirits and know that we made it through the worst and we will be all right.

Love to you and yours.


Not "The Senator," But "That One" - Yahoo! News

Not "The Senator," But "That One" - Yahoo! News: "It was, for a senior senator who has embarrassed himself too many times during this long campaign, a uniquely embarrassing moment."

It was exceptionally embarrassing, but on a good point I thought the quality of questions and the quality of Mr. Brokaw's moderation was very good last night. Unfortunately it was a bit of a boring debate as Josh and team mention but all the better for Senator Obama.

Friday, October 03, 2008 

James G. Rickards - A Mountain, Overlooked -

James G. Rickards - A Mountain, Overlooked -

As Mr. Taleb does not seem to be accepting emails at this time I will just offer that Nassim beat you to this point Mr. Richards and makes it much better than you to boot. Unfortunately I feel like perhaps this topic may be a bit too in depth for our media to take on with much gusto although I will say kudos to the San Jose Mercury News for re-printing the Washington Post article from James Richards.

Also I will offer that these days I have been a bit more pleasently surprised with some of the work our media has done including the AP doing fact checking of the debates. I upgrade them as an industry from an 'F-' to a lukewarm 'D'. Now get on looking into the anthrax attacks and that bullshit story a bit more - this is the hanging thread that simply needs to be pulled.



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