Thursday, May 31, 2007 

ITV News - US 'no' to carbon cap

ITV News - US 'no' to carbon cap

The free market works for everything except this - how strange.

Thursday, May 24, 2007 

The entire government has failed us on Iraq - Countdown with Keith Olbermann -

The entire government has failed us on Iraq - Countdown with Keith Olbermann -

Couldn't have said it better myself. I really wonder: what now? Obviously the whole 'voting' thing didn't work.

Monday, May 21, 2007 

Google, Discuss Alliance

Google, Discuss Alliance: "A partnership makes so much sense that 'it's not out of the realm of possibility that Google ends up buying,' said CIBC World Markets analyst Brad Reback."

That would be interesting. And since I don't have too much else to say on the topic I shall now write about nothing much including Barry Bonds.

I applaud the distance that perhaps now principled people like Hank and doofus Selig are taking from him due to that whole, 'My, your head has gotten really big these past few years' thing that Barry has happened upon, but I also wonder will baseball ever really get over this if they don't sit down in the psychiatrist's chair and take a look in the mirror? Me thinks no. But methinks also that America is not very good at this sort of introspection generally and so why would our national pastime be all that different?

And so I ramble on. Have a good afternoon kind internet.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007 

BTW, they have redeemed themselves recently. Good little run we are on. Go Locke, you pussy. - NBA/PLAYOFFS2007 - Amare, Diaw suspended one game; Horry gets 2 - NBA/PLAYOFFS2007 - Amare, Diaw suspended one game; Horry gets 2: "Phoenix center Amare Stoudemire and teammate Boris Diaw were suspended Tuesday for one game for leaving the bench after Robert Horry's flagrant foul of Steve Nash in Game 4 of the Suns' Western Conference semifinal against San Antonio."

Mission accomplished Mr. Will Smith you sonofabitch. Don't like the Lakers and don't like you though personally I don't think this suspension, however unfair, will affect the Suns as much as some seem to think. Nash is still there and he is nasty and now, angry. Great stuff and kudos to you Mr. Stern for going for the ratings - nothing sells like bad blood.

On another note, it has been a while since I wrote in to this rambling piece of garbage but there has been one underlying theme here and I am glad it has become an underlying theme here in this physical world, with us. Let us do more.

Friday, May 04, 2007 Page 2 : Bill Simmons Blog Page 2 : Bill Simmons Blog: "From Michael in Spokane: 'If jail existed for sports bigamy, Snoop Dogg would be doing 25 to life.'"

So classic and since we're here I also want to mention something I am not sure if I have seen before and that is such a bad, terrible beating that the winning team could not even properly celebrate. I mean it was like the Warriors were the dad and the Mavericks were the 5 year old son who you couldn't really get too excited about beating. UNreal.


Sorry Mark. But a big congratulations to the men in yellow. Well deserved for such a hearty team.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007 

Arctic ice cap melting 30 years ahead of forecast - Yahoo! News

Arctic ice cap melting 30 years ahead of forecast - Yahoo! News: "This means the ocean at the top of the world could be free or nearly free of summer ice by 2020, three decades sooner than the global panel's gloomiest forecast of 2050."

The scab has gone from infected to now bleeding and pussing. Hopefully we make the big changes needed soon.



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