Friday, October 29, 2004 

This campaign message sponsored by ... | Metafilter: "How's this for an alternative explanation? OBL isn't stupid. He knows he can get Bush to play into his hands: blunder into Iraq, fan the flames of Islamic dissent etc. He's not so sure about Kerry. He's plotting several steps ahead: he thinks, as Bush et al. probably do, that an imminent threat to America, especially one from bin Laden, is going to influence voters to elect to stay with the Commander in Chief. He's playing you people like marionettes!"

Thursday, October 28, 2004 

MSNBC - It's a BoSox moon: "So, we've got some work to do between now and election day. If you share our concerns find the best way to express yourself, roll up your sleeves and do it.
Remember the country we carry in our hearts is waiting."


MSNBC - The Overlitigated Election: "And when the president talks about the high cost of unnecessary lawsuits yet ignores the damage being done by his own personal full-employment program for lawyers, he only validates what John Edwards (that trial lawyer!) has been arguing for the last two years in his �Two Americas� speech. There do seem to be two sets of rules in Bush�s America: one for him and his, and another for everybody else."


BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Music | Eminem video urges anti-Bush vote: "'Maybe this is God just saying we're responsible for this monster, this coward that we have empowered,' Eminem says. "

Check the video. Amazing visually, amazing lyrically.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004 

Eschaton: "Leadership is something that has fascinated Bogle, 75, all his life. In speeches on the subject, Bogle approvingly quotes Goethe: 'Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now.'

But 'there's a fine line between boldness and recklessness,' cautions Bogle, a Republican who intends to vote for John Kerry. Boldness must be tempered by foresight and deliberation, Bogle says.

'We can't have a country run by philosophers,' says Bogle, who chairs the board of the National Constitution Center. 'But a good leader is thoughtful. He seeks the counsel of others and is capable of introspection. Before making a decision, he walks around it and tries to see it from all sides.'"
Is it too little too late? Or simple steps in the right direction?
Very fair, balanced article. I just wish that people and reporters alike recognized this for the severe problem that it is. By my thinking we have started to see our planet cough and wheeze (showing symptoms of severe problems), especially related to our species extinction. And, like America does, we are hoping to patch up the problems and work from there. I think it is more serious and could lead to a devastating decline, not unlike an untreated patient, if we don't work quickly to do much much more.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004 

interesting article and thesis and a good point. I can see men notreally wanting to admit that they have advantage. It is human nature.Everyone feels persecuted to some degree so how can this feeling thatpops up be an advantage? It is a lost thought we all have.

What I might suggest to the writer and in fact I would if email or some other correspondence was available, would be to focus on the mostdivisive kernal of her paper and that would be power. In the bigscheme of things you and I have no more power than each other at all, though I might have the advantage day to day. Let us not fight for scraps.

Power comes from wealth and influence and positions. More and more weare seeing these sorts of opportunities not available to you or I or ablack woman or a mexican baby. The real struggle for Peggy McIntoshand you and me, is to bridge the poverty gap that widens every year. The rich and the powerful and the influencers want more papers likethis, just as they welcomed strife between Mexicans and blacks in the past. Don't give it to them, is what I would tell Peggy. Let us form our strong, powerful team first, all of us disaffected in some way, and then tune that up after we have established a truly fair systemwhere people can be measured according to their innate worth. God bless and good night. ;)love, me

Friday, October 22, 2004 

'I'm not a biter, I'mma writer for myself and others.' Jay z.

Sunny outside today, sunny in. Changes are afoot my dear reader- what do they hold in store? That is the real question and we shall see.

On another subject, here at work I was thinking this morning that working at a smaller company is like playing 3on3 versus 5on5. How do I see myself in the 5on5 game? Effective, but sometimes confused about my role especially when it is a pick up game and you don't know the playa's that well. How do I see myself in the 3on3 game? I never lose.

Noticed something else funny this morning and bodes well for the company. Our CEO is right brained and CFO is left brained. How do you tell? Which part of a room a person concentrates on when they are publicly speaking. It is a good blend and a successful mix. Just wait. $40/share is nothing.

Thursday, October 21, 2004 

When repayment?

Hopefully soon we might start to listen to these silly scientists. And our hearts.


"One day I was driving from my house to the stadium on a workout day and I saw a big sign on the street that said, 'Keep the Faith.' And I saw a photo of Manny and he had a big smile," series MVP Ortiz said of the historic comeback. "I just parked in front of the photo and I just sat down for a minute and thought about what we've been through the whole year. Then I went to the field and I just expressed myself to my teammates about what the Boston nation has been waiting for us and they expect from us.
"So it doesn't matter if we were down 3-0. We just have to keep the faith because the game is not over until the final out.''

Friday, October 15, 2004 

My man, Jon.

STEWART: And come work for us, because we, as the people...

CARLSON: How do you pay?

STEWART: The people -- not well.


BEGALA: Better than CNN, I'm sure.

STEWART: But you can sleep at night.


STEWART: See, the thing is, we need your help. Right now, you're helping the politicians and the corporations. And we're left out there to mow our lawns.

Thursday, October 14, 2004 

The indicator species.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004 

Hello Angel, hello wwworld.

Coming to you straight from the bay. What an exciting day it has been, life is a blessed thing. I have completely fallen in love again, gosh I am a sucker. But Angel, you do it to me every day, all the time.

I like to think I am still independant and still don't need nobody. It is wrong. Always has been. I need all of you, I need my Angel.

I also like work, and to keep busy. It has been a busy one here today (though me writing this now kinda says it ain't, huh?-- Don't believe it). I am excited about the future. I'm excited to see what we can achieve together. All ready I am getting asked by different people (outside of my group) to organize this company and figure out better ways of doing things.. what a compliment and what a challenge- you know how to motivate a kid like me!

Lets do this baby.. let's take on the world, together.

We shulda listened to these guys and maybe ceeded some of our 'authority'.

Friday, October 08, 2004 

It Will All Be Over Soon BushCo? Kerry? SUV gluttony? Your last orgasm? All flashes in the geological pan, baby. Don't forget

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Interesting topic, there.

Let me make a small prediction for you and, if I were more into it I might even help facilitate it, but I ain't, but soon you will see these other 'networks.' It is all ready happening in some ways, with how Josh refers to Atrios and Tom to Doc Marsh and etc. etc. These networks may not be what you are accostomed to, but what interesting times no? To see the creation and evolution happening? We are all along for the ride.

I have just one more day to myself before I am back in the working world. I am very excited for this opportunity, I am so happy at how things worked out.

I got a chance to talk to some of my old co-workers today at lunch and the old haunt has not much improved in their eyes, or in others'. It is too bad, to see all that wasted potential isn't it? I have a hard time seeing it in the face of the beggar in downtown San Fran, but also on the top floor of a Fortune 100? Not right. I hope it changes soon and we can all find our smile again.

As I float up to the clouds for another night and maybe even have another dunking dream (God, I love those) I wish you and yours the absolute best. May my smile be yours, and vice versa.

Monday, October 04, 2004 - Magazine - Tom Verducci: Severing Bonds - Monday October 4, 2004 5:13PM: "Sheffield was introduced to BALCO by someone he now describes as a former friend: Barry Bonds. Sheffield says he has no knowledge of what, if any, enhancers Bonds may have used, but he did provide SI with a harsh firsthand look at the inner circle of Bonds's trainers. (Bonds, through a spokesperson, declined to address Sheffield's comments, saying only, 'I wish nothing but the best for Gary. I want him to win the MVP. He deserves it.')"


MSNBC - Altercation: "GEORGE W. BUSH (with Bill O'Reilly in 2000): 'Well, I -- yeah, and I'm not so sure he (Jesus) addressed the death penalty itself in the New Testament. Maybe he did.'
They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act. Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou? This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not. So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her."

Sunday, October 03, 2004 

Annan urged the Israeli government "to halt its military incursions into the Gaza Strip, which have led to the deaths of scores of Palestinians, among them many civilians, including children.

"The secretary-general likewise calls on the Palestinian Authority to take action to halt the firing of rockets against Israeli targets by Palestinian militants. He reminds both sides to this conflict that they have a legal obligation to protect all civilians."


Where have you gone, Mr. Ghandi?

We need you here, and there.



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