Wednesday, November 03, 2010 

President Obama,
Is this what you hoped for? As a third level chess master playing in the fourth dimension did you perhaps hope for the Republicans to own part of the bureaucratic mess for you to pin a few things on them? I have read something to this effect, but am just not sure. It all seems like a silly shell game of sorts now. Playing games like Nero.

Oh well, here we go again. Will we ever learn that the chain and anchors tied around our necks (the corporations and the billionaires) need to be held responsible too? It was so easy for you Mr. President to frog march a few of the billionaire bankers off or at least have them take a massive haircut for the fraud they perpetrated but for some reason (campaign contributions?) you went the. exact. opposite. direction. Pitiful. So much hope for change and you wasted it by bending over, like so many before you, to Wall Street.

Carry on.



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