Monday, June 22, 2009 

I am getting slightly fed up with the new talking point of 'Obama is blaming Bush too much'. I first noticed this from Ms. McCain (who I understand blogs here but damn if I can't find it) on Maher's show over the weekend (which, by the way, kudos for her for going on there) and have now heard this a few other times now as well.


I hate to even really engage on this point too much because I find it so ridiculous but here is what I will say very frankly: perhaps I haven't been following his words enough but I haven't even really heard all that much blaming from him and moreover if I had I probably would tell you on the right to fucking suck it up and take it because, yes, George Bush fucked up to historic levels and you were right there with him the whole way and stop your goddamn crying.

Here is a follow on point I would make on this and that is: I wish the true blaming and court proceedings would start. Our country has gotten away from what made it great and that was the rule of law, regulations, justice and fairness and there is no better way to usher in the new world that we need right now with a strong, criminal, indictment of the bad actors in our midst.

Let's roll.

Monday, June 15, 2009 

Great quote:

It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.


Wednesday, June 10, 2009 

Hi Baby,
We had a good little walk together yesterday: me, you and Abby just out for a little stroll. You were in this little backpack type thing but it goes in the front, on my chest, so we were really close. I think I stunk a little from basketball so thanks for putting up with me.

Today you came by for lunch as you and your mom do on Wednesday's which I love. You are such a sweet little girl and make me so happy. You make my heart smile especially when you smile at me. I can't tell you how much you have meant to me and your moms life because there just isn't enough words but please know that even at this early stage the love we feel for you is unreal. I imagine it is only going to grow from here, but I just don't know how because it seems impossible.

All our love,


Tuesday, June 09, 2009 

Dear Audrey Ann, May 30, 2009

My goodness, you are almost 2 months old now! We have just returned from a trip with friends to Grand Cayman Islands. Maybe when you get older or become a grownup yourself you will travel there also.

While we were there, I had an idea that I thought you and your mom would like. I bought you a sterling silver link bracelet that is used to place charms on as you grow up. Right now there is just a tiny little heart on it that is part of the closure with an even tinier diamond on the heart. You know your birthstone is diamond. And maybe you will hear stories about how much I love diamonds!

My plan is to purchase charms for your bracelet as the years go by either at holidays or from some of the places we travel or because I see a charm that makes me think about you. By the time you are a few years old you will be able to wear the bracelet when you get dressed up. And, many many years down the road you can pass it on to someone special in your life.

Now you may be asking yourself why I did this for you. Here is the reason. I like to give what I call “I love you” gifts. This is one of those. Always remember that gifts are meaningful as a small part of family and friends ways of expressing love. The presents are objects that may be useful or meaningful or both and that is all. In time they will break or wear out their usefulness. The day to day loving and caring about those in your life needs to be handled delicately so as not to break and I have never known love to wear out and it is more than useful. It is essential to your spirit and your mommy and daddy understand that and today (at almost 2 months old) and now as you read this my wish is that you feel loved.

I love you,


Monday, June 08, 2009 

I could not agree more.

'We are in one of those “generational revolutions” that Jefferson said were as important as anything else to the proper functioning of our democracy. We can no longer pretend that our collective behavior as a nation for the past 25 years has been worthy of us as a people. Many of us hoped that Barack Obama’s election would redress the dire decline in our collective ethic. We are 139 days into his presidency, and while there is still plenty of hope that Mr. Obama will fulfill his mandate, his record on searching out the causes of the financial crisis has not been reassuring. He must do what is necessary to restore the American people’s — and the world’s — faith in American capitalism and in our nation. Answering our questions may help us get back on track. But time is wasting.'

Monday, June 01, 2009 

July 24, 2008

To my Granddaughter or Grandson,

Just about 30 minutes ago, I found out that you were on the way to our family.
Your mommy and daddy called me (Nana) and your Papa to tell us the great news.
We are excited beyond words and now we have to wait for you to arrive.

I am writing this first letter to you and there will be more to come as you grow up. I want you to know so many things and even though your mommy and daddy will help you along the way my wish is that when you are old enough there will be many letters for you to read.

There are some things that I know for sure. I know that you will be loved in so many ways through hugs, kisses and attention to your needs and wants. And I know that you will be taught well to be a loving person to others and to care always about your family.

Your daddy is my first born child and now he awaits you, his first child. You are a very lucky boy or girl (we don’t know who you are yet!) to have a strong, honest and an overall good character of a person to call Daddy. You will always be able to depend on him for love and guidance.

Your mommy is the best also. I was so happy when your daddy told me he was going to marry your mommy. She is one of the most thoughtful and warm people I know and you are going to be well loved and cuddled.

Always know that because your mommy and daddy love each other they will bring you into this world and celebrate your birth and will rejoice as a family of 3.

More letters will come to you.

I am ending this with feelings of love, happiness, hope and anticipating your birth.



(from 10/28/08)

Dear Baby Girl,

It’s time to talk with you again. When I sent you the last letter I didn’t know if you were a girl or a boy. Today Mommy and Daddy went to the Dr. and found out you are a girl. Then they called and told us. Before I answered the phone I was simply overcome with emotion knowing that I was about to find out more about you!

It didn’t really matter to me whether you were a boy or a girl and with that I have to admit that shopping for my soon to be born granddaughter will be fun. I will be able to visualize what a beautiful baby and child you are going to be. Your beauty will come from within and because I know your Mommy and Daddy so well I know they will teach you the real meaning of beauty.

Also today your estimated date of birth is March 31. It was originally April 7 so maybe we will see you sooner than we thought. If you are like your Daddy you may be a bit late. I think he was so comfortable he was in no hurry to leave and enter this world. Even when he was suppose to join us it took about 26 hours and finally there was our baby boy George. To think what was my baby is now about to have his baby daughter is a feeling that cannot be explained in words.

As you grow you will not just know but you will feel all the love around you. I have so enjoyed hugging, rocking, kissing and talking to your older cousin, Xavier, I will always want you to know how important and special you are to me. I will do my best to care for you with gentleness and in this way you will also learn how to be with other people.

I will see you soon and will take time to enjoy thinking about holding you in my arms and sharing my warmth with you.

Love, Nana




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