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Saturday, December 25, 2004 

Merry xmas. Great day today? I had a good one. And, my angel gets back tomorrow which makes it even nicer. Hopefully she didn't find herself a nice young mexican man down in Cabo to take my place.

Here we are on the cusp of a new year. What is it going to be like? I have to say I am worried, but I am such a punk like that. The news about the dollar falling, the news out of Iraq, the constant news about different odd weather patterns- it ain't no fucking blow jobs and shit anymore is it kiddies?

Its getting real in here. Read today that our government is flooding the market with money right now, to keep things going. Supposedly, and I have no idea if this is true, in one year they pumped like 2 decades worth of currency on the market (18% jump)-- this means that in the years between 1940-50 they put in like 16% more currency so our economic team (greenspan) did this jump in just one year. Wow. Like I said, who knows about the numbers, but I guess the underlying point to me is there is some fishy shit going on- I don't like it.

In this same discussion at metafilter.com they were also talking about the manufacturing problem that we have here. That we don't produce dooky anymore (even dooky is being produced in China these days I guess). Underlined problems. Or underlying?

See, it sucks to be in my mind. These weights and these fears. I sometimes wish I could just see $$ or money as the goal and that was it (some people in my family seem to think that is it for me), but it is so much more. It is so much deeper.

On the plus side, my new nephew is such a cute little guy with such big cheeks and such an appetite. Seems he doesn't like me very much-- I really have only seen him cry twice and he was in my arms both times-- but hopefully he will warm up to me. I ain't such a bad guy I just smell bad and my eyes are crosseyed- ain't no thing.

Anyway peoples, merry times to you and yours. Have a great new year. Hug a tree. Smile.



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