Tuesday, December 30, 2008 

'When Mr. Bush officially takes his leave in three weeks (in reality, he checked out long ago), most Americans will be content to sigh good riddance. I disagree. I don’t think he should be allowed to slip quietly out of town. There should be a great hue and cry — a loud, collective angry howl, demonstrations with signs and bullhorns and fiery speeches — over the damage he’s done to this country.'

It's a good point.  For now too many years (seemingly the past 8 but probably longer) we have simply allowed the criminals and culprits to slide while we go after the sex addicts or the blow job recepients.  In some cases (I am writing to you Mr. Lay) after swindling huge amounts of money from employees and others we have allowed people to fake their own death.  In some cases we have allowed our government to lie to us or not tell the full truth (9/11) and then when called for investigation we have allowed them not to be sworn in and to bring their VP??  

Before I step off this issue I will also lay this out starkly: I personally worry that our government knew that on or around 9/11 something was going to happen to our country.  I worry that thanks to their PNAC roots that this was looked upon as an opportunity instead of the terrible tragedy it was.  Further I worry that perhaps some rogue factions or something in our government then concocted the anthrax attacks and the bogus back story to them with all roads leading to Iraq.  Do I think that nuts and the bolts of this entire situation were being handled by Cheney's office during their extremely shady first 9 months in office from which we heard little or nothing from our government?  It would not be the most surprising thing.  

That said this story goes on and on for another 6 years of course and like Bob from the Times I personally would like to see it ended with protests, speeches, signs, blog posts ;) and most especially true justice for those at fault and true information passed along to us lowly citizens.  

Monday, December 22, 2008 

“It turns out,” he said, “this isn’t one of the presidencies where you ride off into the sunset, you know, kind of waving goodbye.”

Boy you said it.


Where'd the bailout money go? Shhhh, it's a secret - Yahoo! News

Where'd the bailout money go? Shhhh, it's a secret - Yahoo! News: "There has been no accounting of how banks spend that money. Lawmakers summoned bank executives to Capitol Hill last month and implored them to lend the money — not to hoard it or spend it on corporate bonuses, junkets or to buy other banks. But there is no process in place to make sure that's happening and there are no consequences for banks who don't comply."

What can you even say?

Friday, December 19, 2008 

Mass. investor saw inside Madoff scam - Yahoo! News

Mass. investor saw inside Madoff scam - Yahoo! News: "'He used to challenge the teachers,' his mother said with a laugh. 'He'd tell them he had the right answers, but they had the wrong questions.'"

Love this line and sorry for the investors that did not listen.

Oddly our country has gone off the tracks as far as listening to the experts. Whether you talk about the science around global warming, Buffet warning about derivatives or this Madoff situation: if only we had listened to the experts long ago.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008 

Mr. Brooks, you disappoint me.  Your article started off so strong about Mr. Gladwell and his new book, Outliers, and ended extremely poorly and obviously missing the core point.  

Did you even read the book?  Did Mr. Gladwell ever in the book make a point such as: every successful person in the world, including people such as Shakespere or other artists who were only fully appreciated long after their time, benefited from happy chance.  No.  Moreover you even hit on this point very specifically in your article that he in fact covers how important meaningful work is over and over again.

So let me please be clear here in what this book was to me when I read it: it was a book that, contrary to Mr. Brooks assertion, was not at all about politics of the moment or getting swept away with new discoveries but rather talked to people in Mr. Gladwell's very accessable tone about the effect that we can have on one another and each others' success.  Not every person is going to be Mr. Shakespere of course, but Mr. Gladwell's point Mr. Brooks is that if you were truly the successful person you seem to think you are you would realize that given the right push and incentive you could help others to be successful too.  There will always be outliers but we each can certainly do our part to move the bell shaped curve as far towards the successful outliers as we can.  

Wednesday, December 10, 2008 

I am in a bit of a fiery mood after my skin cancer surgery yesterday but before we get to the holiday season and I start to cool off a bit I wanted to write you a good bye letter.  

I can't wait to see you go but honestly I am worried that you dug us too big of a hole.  I knew that you would be a failure as you have been in everything you have done in your life, but man, I had no idea.  Amazing.  I know it is easy during these down times to get too down just as people get too up during high times, but it does seem that my poor daughter is still going to be dealing with your legacy.

Is this how you wanted things?  The small shopowner in Maui certainly seemed to think this was all planned out and things are happening exactly as you and the folks that fill your empty suit want, but damn if I know.  I can't comprehend what is happening in that crazy head of yours.  Sometimes, like even in this recent interview, I am not sure even you do.  

I do know though that no one likes to be disliked and likes to have a terrible legacy and perhaps a historically terrible legacy ('Worst President Ever' is not a stretch) but what I wonder: when you are sitting around and eating your pretzels, trying not to choke, are there people around you just verbally felating you because they, for instance, made $14 billion dollars last quarter?  I simply have to guess so.  I have to guess this is the only way you block out the screaming voices of our dead and injured soldiers and console yourself: 'I did the right things for my rich friends.  I needed to help the rich.'  

Of course I don't know and I am not sure this will ever be known, but let me put briefly: I can't wait for you and your empty suit to go.  Thank god my daughter will be born in a new age and will not ever have to know personally the shittiness that was you and your administration.  

Monday, December 01, 2008 

Let me be the 30000th person to congratulate you Sports Guy the Greek (it has been long enough to dust that off right?). With road teams killing this week (as you described) it is time to cement your place in Karnac history with some sort of amendment to your name. I am flexible on the 'Greek' thing meaning that I could also be happy with Bill 'The Oracle' Simmons or Sports Guy the Seer but I think it is high time you flex your prognostication powers with a name tweak.  

Yours, Nathan 

p.s. what do you think the warranty is on the new super stadiums? Do you think Jerry Jones is sitting there as I write this masterminding some wild change to his new behemoth stadium to retain some semblance of home field advantage? 'I would like a series of sky boxes that allow the occupants to move the sky boxes throughout the stadium at their discretion with the loudest sky boxes getting preference where they can park their sky boxes.'  

General Contractor: 'Fuck you.'


How lost is this guy?

'Reflecting on his time in the Oval Office, Bush said that he hopes to be remembered as a president who made difficult decisions in a principled way and "didn't sell his soul for politics."'

Mr. Empty Suit meet Reality.  Reality this is Mr. Empty Suit.



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