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Friday, September 07, 2007 

Bin Laden tape assails Democrats on Iraq - Politics - MSNBC.com

Bin Laden tape assails Democrats on Iraq - Politics - MSNBC.com

Hello Mr. Curry,

Hope all is well. I wanted to write in to communicate that while I do live in the bluest of blue states and while I find Osama an evil POS I personally think you may misread the situation as well and that situation is this: there is HUGE discontent by me personally and I think many others that our government, whether red/blue, right/left, or right/wrong is totally detached from the people and the voters not just in regards to Iraq, but so many issues. I daresay there is perhaps a revolutionary feel in the air due to the fact that what seems so very apparent – that the 2006 elections were meant to send a message peacefully – has gone totally unheeded by our government and it has been business as usual.

While I appreciate your attention to details in the article (e.g. I did not know the voting breakdowns) I do hope the larger point is not lost and that is this: that much of the nation is totally fed up with the current status quo and is looking for truth (e.g. what is our mission in Iraq, why are we looking menacingly at Iran, why do we not have the cleaner vehicles that Europe has let alone the very best, cleanest technologies in the world and why are people around me going bankrupt due to healthcare concerns) and action and much less of the current status quo.

Thanks and have a good weekend



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