Friday, March 31, 2006 - NBA - Tights squeezed: "Although NBA officials are not publicly commenting on the issue, sources say that the league simply does not like the look of players wearing visible hose."

Its not just the league. Thank god they are telling these pansys not to wear frigging hose. Shave your legs if you want to you fags, but don't wear the hose.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006 

The Blog Dr. Peter Rost: The New Robber Barons The Huffington Post: "So how could this happen? The answer is simple. The American democracy has been stolen by our new class of Robber Barons--the CEO's of our big corporations. A political system dependent on charity from rich men in hand-tailored suits with $100 million retirement packages is no democracy. It is a kleptocracy. It is not what our founding fathers envisioned."


My republican uncle, back again with a very insightful quote:

'The childhood of man, as respects the environment, is over.'


onegoodmove: Earth to America Bill Maher


It's pretty galling. But ultimately I believe in the good and the decency of the American people, and they're starting to see what's happening and the lies that have been told. We're seeing this current house of cards start to flutter away. The American people come around. They always do.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 

Curry commentary: Gutsy reporting - Today - "She had just heard me suggest that what was once called 'yellow journalism' in Teddy Roosevelt's era, has in my view, become 'green journalism' today, overly biased not toward being liberal or conservative, but toward making money."


Six Things You Should Know About Sirius Satellite Radio: "Here's A Hint: Take Off Your External Antenna: JVS: Want to lose the static on your Sirius car radio? Simple solution. If you can unscrew your external car antenna, DO IT! I have a VW Golf. Took off the antenna, because I could care less about 'regular radio,' and have zero static. Hope this works for all of you...
Taking Off the Antenna Worked Great! Rob: Tried JVS's suggestion of removing the antenna completely from my car and the Starmate works perfectly. No static whatsoever!!"

Interesting suggestions. Any suggestions on how to get Sirius to take responsibility for the piece of shit radio they dumped on me?

Monday, March 27, 2006 

Sad to say that the Brits are generally the only ones with courage enough to come out with documents like this at this time, when they are most needed. Unfortunate as this is to think and believe about our own government: I truly believe there is a document like this about the Anthrax attacks somewhere in our country. 'We need to pass the Patriot act. What are our options to get Congress and the people to go along with it?'


Marilyn Manson Quotes - The Quotations Page: "We live in a society of victimization, where people are much more comfortable being victimized than actually standing up for themselves."

Friday, March 24, 2006 

Bush, Cheney Go After the Democrats - Yahoo! News: "Bush and Cheney appeared to be repeating a page from the 2004 presidential campaign."

Good for them for point this out, but let it one day read:

Bush and Cheney are repeating a page from the 2004 presidential campaign.

For it is the truth.


Three Years Of Happyfun War! / 1,100 days of brutal violence and death, grinding you down to a numb little nub. Thanks, Dubya!: "But through it all, through your life for the past 1,100 days like an undercurrent of cold black blood, like an unshakable stench deep in your nostrils, like a disturbing stain you simply cannot get off your shirt, our country has been at war. Endless, raw, insidious, interminable. "

Thursday, March 23, 2006 

Rambling incoherent thoughts driving back from basketball…

I think Exxon and the boys running our country are amassing all the wealth they can right now for a reason.

It seems like it was pretty cold yesterday. It seems pretty hot today.

A MySpace girl gets a cover on Stuff magazine. MySpace: it didn’t exist just 6 months ago and now it is selling magazines? Yet we are stuck with the same policies and people who ran our country dating back to the 60s and 70s? Newer is better.

I wonder if the Sports Guy read my email about KG?

I am shocked Xmans pop agrees with me on Bushyness. Good stuff.

Global climate change is old. I would like global positive action for our environment now. Maybe a GPAE instead of a GWOT?

Angel is sick and that sucks. She still is so nice to me though – she bought me SN mustard.

LOST sucked last night. I hate Jin and Sun’s storyline.

Reading about LOST this morning was interesting though: the balloon is there cause that is where food was dropped off for Desmond? And all the craziness about Widmore or whatever Construction Co??

My brain hurts.

Hitting the snow this weekend, but sucks to a certain degree cause the Pickle has to bring his girl. Nice girl, but brings nothing to the table. May take things off the table.

Later bitches.


TomDispatch - Tomdispatch Interview: Chalmers Johnson on Our Fading Republic

Any last words?

"I am still working on them." He writes.


"That's why I'm planning on calling the third volume of what I now think of as 'The Blowback Trilogy,' Nemesis. Nemesis was the Greek goddess of vengeance. She also went after people who became too arrogant, who were so taken with themselves that they lost all prudence. She was always portrayed as a fierce figure with a scale in one hand -- think, Judgment Day -- and a whip in the other.

TD: And you believe she's coming after us?

Johnson: Oh, I believe she's arrived. I think she's sitting around waiting for her moment, the one we're coming up on right now. "


Meatpacker sues for right to do mad cow tests - Mad Cow in the U.S. - "Meatpacker John Stewart on Wednesday sued the U.S. government to provide it with cattle testing kits so his Kansas company can prove to customers, especially in mad cow-leery Japan, that its beef is safe.
Stewart's firm, Creekstone Farms Premium Beef LLC, wants to test all its slaughter cattle for mad cow disease. Its suit in U.S. district court in Washington, DC, would force the Agriculture Department to give it access to test kits for the brain-wasting disease."

How dare they! Organic food has been so popular and killing traditional crops because people want to eat healthy and this fool could do the same thing to the meat industry! For shame.


Hirsh: Natsios Criticizes Iraq Contracts - Newsweek Politics - "Maybe it really is a free-fraud zone."


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 

Colin Powell: "Leadership Is All About Followership"... The Huffington Post: "'Leadership is all about followership,' Powell said."

What an idiot if this was not taken out of context (you have to register for the article). Leadership is not all about followership. I don't think too many people followed Jesus up on the cross or MLK/JFK to their graves or Ghandi at the beginning of his leadership missions. Leadership is difficult and the best leaders often have no followers at all at the time they decide to lead on a certain issue.


WP: Inuit see signs of global warming - News - "'People have become disconnected from their environment. But the Inuit have remained through this whole dilemma, remained extremely connected to its environment and wildlife,' she said. 'They are the early warning. They see what's happening to the planet, and give the message to the rest of the world.'"


Amazing to think how these changes were predicted, just ten years ago, to be 50-100 years out and now we are seeing them with our own eyes. If thought about on the geologic time scale, where our whole lives and the life of the human race in general is but a second in a 24 hour day, it is very scary and I can only hope something will be done very soon. I do think that with massive effort on our part we can start to heal the earth’s climate just as quickly as we have ruined it, but it is about the will now.


WP: Inuit see signs of global warming - News - "PANGNIRTUNG, Canada - Thirty miles from the Arctic Circle, hunter Noah Metuq feels the Arctic changing. Its frozen grip is loosening; the people and animals who depend on its icy reign are experiencing a historic reshaping of their world.
Fish and wildlife are following the retreating ice caps northward. Polar bears are losing the floes they need for hunting. Seals, unable to find stable ice, are hauling up on islands to give birth. Robins and barn owls and hornets, previously unknown so far north, are arriving in Arctic villages."

Tuesday, March 21, 2006 

True hero athlete / Day's theme: Challenge yourself: "It concluded with this: 'But the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.'' "


SAN JOSE, Calif. — Patrick K. Tillman stood outside his law office here, staring intently at a yellow house across the street, just over 70 yards away. That, he recalled, is how far away his eldest son, Pat, who gave up a successful N.F.L. career to become an Army Ranger, was standing from his fellow Rangers when they shot him dead in Afghanistan almost two years ago.

"I could hit that house with a rock," Mr. Tillman said. "You can see every last detail on that place, everything, and you're telling me they couldn't see Pat?"




In regards to Sal's diatribe against the Soprano's I just wanted to write that really the fact that these flawed characters are Italian Americans never really even enters into my enjoyment of the show nor would ever encourage me to think anything bad of Italian Americans. I understand a number of Sal's points (except comparing Soprano's to Nazi propoganda, c'mon) but the reality is this is just a TV show, like he says. I would encourage him to perhaps spend his time, passion and priveledged place in the media to speak to the true ills of our society: such as poor Italian Americans being stuck in Iraq under completely false pretenses... just to start.

Raging against the TV can wait.

Keep up the good work Page 2.


In response to an email entitled, 'This guy is full of shit'. It was about W:

What do you really feel? stop beating around the Bush. :)

I have to agree with you generally though. Unfortunately to me and I think a wide majority of humans on this planet his words mean so little these days as they really often seem to be nothing more than rhetorical tricks and out and out falsehoods. I would like personally to see some real morality from our country in regards to actions. Not blowing people up under a guise of 'pursuing peace' but perhaps helping those most in need here at home first and then trying to extend it outward as best we can.

8 trillion in debt (get to work X-man!) and all we got was this lousy war....

Monday, March 20, 2006 

Fareed, usually love you, but this:

'There is no doubt today that the costs of the invasion have far outweighed the benefits. But in the long view of history, will that always be true?'

is an extremely questionable and flaccid argument. Take your views, as you have, but stand your ground somewhere. Hopefully you can say with some confidence that this total misuse and squandering of our power position in the world, not to mention the squandering of treasure and human souls, is totally innappropriate and that it will be true that this will be looked back upon as a huge mistake and blunder. Or perhaps your ground is that this was a great war and will one day be looked back upon as such, but draw your line in the sand. Don't be flaccid like good old Bill on Big Love.


'American Theocracy,' by Kevin Phillips - The New York Times Book Review - New York Times: "Phillips fully supports an explanation of the Iraq war that the Bush administration dismisses as conspiracy theory - that its principal purpose was to secure vast oil reserves that would enable the United States to control production and to lower prices. ('Think of Iraq as a military base with a very large oil reserve underneath,' an oil analyst said a couple of years ago. 'You can't ask for better than that.')"


A Top-Down Review for the Pentagon - New York Times: "Our most important, and sometimes most severe, judges are our subordinates. That is a fact I discovered early in my military career. It is, unfortunately, a lesson Donald Rumsfeld seems incapable of learning. "


Biden Urges Bush to Take Steps to Head Off Iraqi Civil War - New York Times: "Mr. Cheney was challenged on 'Face the Nation' about his statement three years ago that 'we will be greeted as liberators' and his assertion 10 months ago that the insurgency was in its 'last throes.'
He insisted that in both cases his facts were right, but that the news media had created a different perception with vivid imagery of killing."

What a convenient excuse: 'It's the media's fault, WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!'


George Mason Patriots, NCAA Division I Mens Basketball, North Carolina Tar Heels - CBS "'A beautiful moment,' Liz Larranaga said Sunday."

They personally screwed me over in my bracket, but congrats to the cindarella this year.

Sunday, March 19, 2006 

Tropical Cyclone Lashes Australia

Friday, March 17, 2006 

Here's the point: Miami is 20-4 over its past 24 games, mainly because of Dwyane Wade. I see them continuing to get better and better. Why? Because he keeps getting better and better. After MJ retired, did you ever think you would see another guard average 30-35 points a night, rack up another six rebounds and six assists per game, play world-class defense and shoot 55 percent from the field? Well, it's happening.

From the best.


Interesting article. We as a human species are pretty good and quick at outward, physical developments, but a little slow in the mental/spiritual developments eh? For we are still chewing over and gnawing at 2000 year old religions and mental states that say: faster, more, shinier, bigger, better after we have effectively taken over the world.


Senate Approves Budget, Breaking Spending Limits - New York Times: "The Senate narrowly approved a $2.8 trillion election-year budget Thursday that broke spending limits only hours after it increased federal borrowing power to avert a government default."


SAN FRANCISCO / Sudden rain drenches area, causes flooding: "'It was a freak occurrence,' Henderson said. 'It probably won't happen again (today), but I wouldn't write it off completely. We seem to have had lots of freak occurrences lately.' "


P. G. Wodehouse Quotes - The Quotations Page: "The fascination of shooting as a sport depends almost wholly on whether you are at the right or wrong end of the gun.
P. G. Wodehouse "

Wednesday, March 15, 2006 

Wired News:: "I do think that if we're going to survive this first threat to global civilization -- and it is the first big test of global civilization -- we will need to put ourselves on a war footing.
When a government goes on a war footing, they reorganize their enterprises around the imminent threat of invasion. So they can restructure the economy, the way the bureaucracy works, in order to combat the immediate threat. I do think the situation is worse than suggested in most computer models. We've got less time than we thought we did. We will need to give this issue primacy in our thinking as governments and as individuals over the next decade or so."


A climate change of heart - Los Angeles Times: "India, China and other big greenhouse gas emitters will not do their part unless the United States, the biggest emitter, joins the effort. And that won't happen without presidential leadership. So, President Bush, if the scientific, evangelical and business communities can't sway you, what will it take to persuade you to help halt our lunatic meddling with Earth's atmosphere? "

A good question, but there really should be more, many more. Not about the science of this huge issue that we see every day in our lives, but rather about who pushed Paul O'Neil out of government and changed George W.'s early stance against global climate change? Remember he is the empty suit and this dramatic change in policy direction did not just happen.

Could it have been the same companies that are making billions in profit these days and setting all records with a well established commodity no less?


I Am Done With Violence / Enough scenes of horrid brutality, bloodied faces, tire irons to the knee. Can you purge?: "I am, I realize, a broken American. Defective. Problematic. I know that ultraviolence is the American way. It makes us feel righteous and strong. Violence is how we stay, ahem, 'free.' Without violence, says everyone from the NRA to the U.S. military to the president, we would be overrun by, well, violence. It is in our blood and in our cells and deep in our gun-sucking culture and America without its violence is like a South Dakota Republican without his misogyny. I know. "

Tuesday, March 14, 2006 

Independent Online Edition > Environment: "Sea ice in the Arctic has failed to re-form for the second consecutive winter, raising fears that global warming may have tipped the polar regions in to irreversible climate change far sooner than predicted. "


Big Oil faces Congress on profits, mergers - Yahoo! News

These guys, what fucking crocks. What crooks. 'The problem is not the billions I pocketed just a quarter ago, it is limited supplies of course!' Unreal.

Commodities like oil, bread and healthcare should be some of the most heavily regulated items of any in our frenzied consumer culture.


? M1 f/ K'naan, Stori James - 'Til We Get There Lyrics: "That's what's called solidarity
When we struggle it's therapy, after chaos we get clarity
My enemy's enemy is my man remember?
I ain't tryin' to be endin' up in this man's dilemma
We only here for a minute, it's what you make it so live it
See, I'm a ryder and I'm gon' be remembered
For those of you not born, to those of you not here
I wish you the best and that's real"


An instant classic. On the ocho :)

'Finally, my mom's take on Brokeback Mountain: "I don't want to see it -- not because I'm against gays or anything, but because I hate cowboys."'


Yes why would they do this?

Here is a crazy spit-balled theory of mine: We are roughly 7-8 months away from elections and if the Republicans want to win again they have to draw the Christian right out again to the same degree they did last time. Unfortunately going with the 'I hate gays' vote again wouldn't be too feasible in the battle ground states so what issue are they going to have during this time to rally Christian support around? How about a recent or ongoing Supreme Court case going against Roe v. Wade?

Write it down, take a picture.


Ghostly coral bleachings haunt the world's reefs - Yahoo! News: "'It's a white desert out there,' Berkelmans told Reuters in early March after returning from a dive to survey bleaching -- signs of a mass death of corals caused by a sudden rise in ocean temperatures -- around the Keppel Islands."


Monday, March 13, 2006 

BBC NEWS Science/Nature Sharp rise in CO2 levels recorded: "The research indicates that 2005 saw one of the largest increases on record - a rise of 2.6ppm.


"Today we're over 380 ppm," he said. "That's higher than we've been for over a million years, possibly 30 million years. Mankind is changing the climate"."


Discovery Channel :: News :: Study: Bering Sea Heating Up


As a quick follow up to my point Mr. Guy.


Sopranos returns with a bang - TV DRAMA - "That's because those seven souls inhabit him; his family is his very being. The irony is, he was shot by part of himself."

You just blew my mind Dehnart.


Tornadoes Rip Across Midwest, Killing 10 - Yahoo! News: "'It is a sign that spring is coming,' said Schumacher. 'You start getting stronger low-pressure systems, and they're able to bring in stronger south winds, which tend to bring up more moisture.' "

Yes, spring is coming.

Sunday, March 12, 2006 

Tornadoes Rip Across Midwest, Killing Two - Yahoo! News: "It was not immediately clear how many tornadoes struck the area straddling the Mississippi River from Missouri into Illinois. The twisters were part of a long line of stormy weather that stretched from the southern Plains up the Ohio Valley."

Friday, March 10, 2006 

Spill was largest ever in Alaska oil fields - Environment - "ANCHORAGE, Alaska - An estimated 201,000 to 267,000 gallons of crude oil spilled in the North Slope pipeline leak discovered March 2, state officials announced Friday.

That's significantly more than what crews have so far recovered and much larger than the previous record for the North Slope a 38,850-gallon spill in 1989. "


Sports Guy,
Great article today about PP. You continue to be great bathroom reading material though I do feel a little weird chuckling while on the can if my coworkers are in the bathroom, but that is neither here nor there.

I wanted to write in to take exception to one part of your article today and that is grouping KG in with fucking Carter, McGrady and Davis?? Are you kidding? I hope you are. I am not a fan of Minnesota, never been there and like you with Houston, never plan on ever going there. I am a huge fan of KG though. To imply that dude is going to push to leave Minnesota because he doesn’t want the responsibility of carrying a franchise is ridiculous and possibly one of the more boneheaded things you have ever wrote. Me and the other 17 NBA fans left are ashamed of you today Sports Guy.

What I found especially ironic is later on in the story you wrote of how people don’t focus enough on players like Duncan who are performing like real champions – true enough, but KG is in the same boat dude though it isn’t an injury holding him back. It is a bitterly cold environment that no one in their right mind would want to visit let alone live in, it is a wickedly terrible front office who I secretly think wants to pull an ‘Expos’ (don’t steal that phrase from me) and who has built a roster that is a sick joke, a sick, sick joke. If I were him I would push to get the hell out of town too – exactly like if I was part of the dysfunctional Bush administration now – and not because I was a bitch like Carter but because the organization is rotting from the inside out and it is freeking Minnesota (average temperature in March: ~30 degrees).

Today, I wish I could quit you Sports Guy.

Thursday, March 09, 2006 

Senator Resumes Lobbyist Huddles: "After saying in January that he would end his regular meetings with lobbyists, Sen. Rick Santorum (Pa.), the third-ranking GOP leader in the Senate, has continued to meet with many of the same lobbyists at the same time and on the same day of the week."

In a related point, Senator was overheard saying, 'I wish I could quit you.'

Wednesday, March 08, 2006 

Skilling lawyer attacks greed of ex-Enron CFO - The Enron Trial - "'I believe I was extremely greedy, and that I lost my moral compass, and I've done terrible things that I very much regret,' answered Fastow, who has pleaded guilty to conspiracy and agreed to serve up to 10 years in prison."

Damn, too bad it took the anal rape penn to convince him of his wrongs.


Part 2:

Unclaimed Territory - by Glenn Greenwald: Post-mortem on the Intelligence Committee vote


Proposal banning lobbyist gifts defeated - Politics -

Dems end up standing for something and get defeated in party line vote.


Iran Threatens U.S. With 'Harm and Pain' - Yahoo! News

What a misleading title. Read the whole thing.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

TAMPA - Gov. Jeb Bush's office is refusing to release documents or answer questions about a $400,000 tax credit awarded to MZM Inc., whose former chief executive pleaded guilty last week to bribery and illegal campaign contributions.
MZM, of Washington, stood to receive $320,000 from the state and $80,000 from Tampa and Hillsborough County after promising in 2004 to create 80 high-paying jobs in the area.

Hopefully all these disparate stories: K. Harris (who has now gone into an underground bunker of her own due to the scandals being at her doorstep), the 2000 recount, Jack Abramhoff, Duke Cunningham, DeLay, Jeb Bush and Bush family, AIPAC, Carlyle Group and others will be weaved into a true, full account story here soon. I have to imagine a lot is involved, but it all comes back to profit, money and power and the ruthless, win at all costs pursuit of it.

Monday, March 06, 2006 

Administration asks Congress to up debt limit - Stocks & Economy -

'Hello, Visa, can you please increase my credit card limit ASAP? I have this war and some pay decreases I am working on? Thanks.'


Fair enough on some of the points, but c'mon. Use your energy and your vote and your voice and your dollar (the most important thing these days unfortunately) to send a more clear message: the machine that runs this empty chimp suit and our country since the days of LBJ needs to go. Votes need to matter more than money and air time and corporate sponsorship.

Bush is a pawn that you can take out with any number of your chess pieces, but who/where/what is the king and queen. Focus on them.

Friday, March 03, 2006 

Democrats Vow Not To Give Up Hopelessness The Onion - America's Finest News Source


The Blog Laurie David: "Green is the New Red, White, and Blue" The Huffington Post: "Scientists, traditionally the world's most cautious human beings, are now saying we have less than ten years before we reach the point of no return on slowing global warming. Tony Blair has said seven (and, since we are making predictions, I say five). Either way, we need to get busy fast.

Thankfully, we had a number of effective voices being raised on the issue this week, led by Barak Obama and New York Times columnist Tom Friedman (who coined the catch phrase for 2006: 'Green is the new red, white, and blue')."


Some of us have dreams/nightmares about the people around us and the emotions within us, some of us have nightmares and then wake up to the surrealistic reality of them coming true: We had a funnel cloud in the bay area this week that if it had touched down would have been a tornado. No big deal, just an isolated (tropical) storm, right? Then this morning we wake up to a good amount of snow on the 'mountains' just behind the house. Welcome to our nightmare.

Thursday, March 02, 2006 

Greed folks. Greedy folks. Its what we all are isn't it? In some ways everyone is. For some it isn't so much about money (though for little Goliath-slayer it may be), but maybe it is about drugs or sex or just wanting love (like my little girl Dyna or, well, almost any baby I have ever met).

But damn if it sucks when some rich bastards greed of more money or power or whatever can end up possibly fucking up a Sunday down the road eh?

Wednesday, March 01, 2006 

The Blog Bill Moyers: DeLay, Abramoff, and The Public Trust The Huffington Post: "I have painted a bleak picture of democracy. I believe it is a true picture. But it is not a hopeless picture. Something can be done about it. Organized people have always had to take on organized money. If they had not, blacks would still be three-fifths of a person, women wouldn't have the vote, workers couldn't organize, and children would still be working in the mines. Our democracy today is more real and more inclusive than existed in the days of the Founders because time and again, the people have organized themselves to insist that America become 'a more perfect union.'

It is time to fight again. These people in Washington have no right to be doing what they are doing. It's not their government, it's your government. They work for you. They're public employees - and if they let us down and sell us out, they should be fired. That goes for the lowliest bureaucrat in town to the senior leaders of Congress on up to the President of the United States."


Sunny Weather Creeps Me Out / Unseasonably warm, blissful days were once cause for naked rejoicing. Now they scream, 'Global warming!': "There is little doubt that climate change is happening, fast and dramatic and dangerous. The big question is why, and whether mankind is much of a factor, and whether there's anything we can do to slow or prevent it.

Which is exactly the point where your common sense joins hands with your intuition which then French kisses your intellect and you say, Oh my God are you serious, 7 billion methane-blasting carbon-monoxide-spitting pollution-happy bipeds stomping around the planet for a thousand years and hammering the environment and sucking down natural resources the way a Republican senator sucks down a Zoloft-Tanqueray lunch, and we haven't had a lick of effect? Please. "


BBC NEWS Science/Nature Consensus grows on climate change: "The global scientific body on climate change will report soon that only greenhouse gas emissions can explain freak weather patterns.

Simultaneous changes in sea ice, glaciers, droughts, floods, ecosystems, ocean acidification and wildlife migration are taking place.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change had previously said gases such as CO2 were 'probably' to blame.
Its latest draft report will be sent to world governments next month. "


Large protests ahead of Bush's India visit - South and Central Asia -

Hmmm... you might think that someone who's approval rating hovers around 34% at home and can't go to any country without getting protested against and having death threats made of him might try to explore what makes people hate him so much or disagree with his policies so.



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