Colin Powell: "Leadership Is All About Followership"... The Huffington Post: "'Leadership is all about followership,' Powell said."
What an idiot if this was not taken out of context (you have to register for the article). Leadership is not all about followership. I don't think too many people followed Jesus up on the cross or MLK/JFK to their graves or Ghandi at the beginning of his leadership missions. Leadership is difficult and the best leaders often have no followers at all at the time they decide to lead on a certain issue.
What an idiot if this was not taken out of context (you have to register for the article). Leadership is not all about followership. I don't think too many people followed Jesus up on the cross or MLK/JFK to their graves or Ghandi at the beginning of his leadership missions. Leadership is difficult and the best leaders often have no followers at all at the time they decide to lead on a certain issue.