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Wednesday, January 21, 2004 

Tbogg pointed me to this review of the speech last night. I want to elaborate on the review and talk about the speech.

I couldn't watch it. Bush started with his war chants at one point and Rumsfield sat there smiling (sneering?) and I honestly wanted to puke, fart, cry and yell all at once. Did anyone else see the devil in their eyes at this point? Honestly. I was watching this thing and really in my minds eye it was simply demons talking, laughing, chuckling about war and death and destruction in one of the most hallowed places in our country. Yikes. I really hope that people educate themselves and realize that these residents in office do not care about really anything except perhaps money, greed, deception and all those other devilish things they do. It seems to light their fire to send our young men and women across the world to kill or be killed... Rummy: they got viagra for that now. Mr. President Bush: I understand you do not have a bone of introspection in your body and that, unfortunately, combined with this you don't really think about the future that well (i.e. you invaded a third world nation and simply had no plan for how you were going to deal with the poor snot nosed kid you just bullied), but let me tell you you may be sinking your whole family forever. The history books, and I guarentee (did I spell that right?) it, will not treat you or this period in America's history kindly. Trust me, I have a minor in history. The Gipper sir, you are not. War is not football (hint: people die during wars). No need to mention 'war' 10+ in your speech. Understood, you like war. Hope you understand, people don't like you and corporations don't count... they are not people and are simply using you.

'After the World Trade Center was first attacked in 1993, some of the guilty were indicted and tried and convicted, and sent to prison. But the matter was not settled. The terrorists were still training and plotting in other nations, and drawing up more ambitious plans. After the chaos and carnage of September the 11th, it is not enough to serve our enemies with legal papers. The terrorists and their supporters declared war on the United States, and war is what they got. (Applause.)'

Through the looking glass: 'After a bomb was planted at the World Trade Center in 1993 we probably should have changed some of our policies towards other nations as it was a warning sign. Instead, as Americans, we treated those who committed this act with our legal system, which was not wrong, but unfortunately the matter was not settled as we were not listening to those people who were doing harm to us for a reason. So those folks that we did not get in jail ended up figuring out that we would only listen if they did a spectacular attack. So they attacked us on September 11, which unfortunately our government probably knew about, but did nothing about and are now not helping with an investigation into this terrible tragedy, to send the message again and ask without asking, 'Are you listening now?' We responded no, we will not listen to you. We are going to bomb you and give you no protection under the laws and legal system in which our country has rested for 200+ years. We do not listen even to our own people, look at Columbine, look at McVeigh, why would we listen to you?' APPLAUSE ME YOU FUCKS.



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