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Monday, June 09, 2008 

Obama Deals With Economy and McCains Views - The Caucus - Politics - New York Times Blog

Obama Deals With Economy and McCains Views - The Caucus - Politics - New York Times Blog: "“During just three years in the U.S. Senate, Barack Obama has already voted 94 times for higher taxes,” Mr. Bounds said in a statement. “Barack Obama doesn’t understand the American economy and that’s change we just can’t afford.”"

I really hope that the American people don't fall for this bullshit this go round. If you would like to in fact have a meaningful conversation helpful to the American people please engage on the points and discuss the issue at hand instead of what seems to be the Republican's fall back: attack the person or slogan with tired 'points' about raising taxes. Stupid.

From 2004 (and how did it turn out?):

While these economic estimates are likely to change as Senator Kerry announces more details about his tax plan, they strongly indicate the weakness of his current approach. Raising taxes on high-income taxpayers to cover budget shortfalls may make political sense, but it is not the right move to encourage economic growth. Senator Kerry’s new tax revenues divert capital from better economic uses, which slows the growth in productivity that usually stems from new investment. Job and income growth suffer as a consequence.



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