James G. Rickards - A Mountain, Overlooked - washingtonpost.com
James G. Rickards - A Mountain, Overlooked - washingtonpost.com
As Mr. Taleb does not seem to be accepting emails at this time I will just offer that Nassim beat you to this point Mr. Richards and makes it much better than you to boot. Unfortunately I feel like perhaps this topic may be a bit too in depth for our media to take on with much gusto although I will say kudos to the San Jose Mercury News for re-printing the Washington Post article from James Richards.
Also I will offer that these days I have been a bit more pleasently surprised with some of the work our media has done including the AP doing fact checking of the debates. I upgrade them as an industry from an 'F-' to a lukewarm 'D'. Now get on looking into the anthrax attacks and that bullshit story a bit more - this is the hanging thread that simply needs to be pulled.
As Mr. Taleb does not seem to be accepting emails at this time I will just offer that Nassim beat you to this point Mr. Richards and makes it much better than you to boot. Unfortunately I feel like perhaps this topic may be a bit too in depth for our media to take on with much gusto although I will say kudos to the San Jose Mercury News for re-printing the Washington Post article from James Richards.
Also I will offer that these days I have been a bit more pleasently surprised with some of the work our media has done including the AP doing fact checking of the debates. I upgrade them as an industry from an 'F-' to a lukewarm 'D'. Now get on looking into the anthrax attacks and that bullshit story a bit more - this is the hanging thread that simply needs to be pulled.