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Tuesday, September 30, 2008 

It struck me just now: what are the naughties (00s) to say about us? When the history books are written on this decade it will be a hell of a story eh?

The shady internet companies fail, a bubble pops to lead things off, but interestingly the internet only becomes more pervasive and useful in our lives. We now check fantasy football scores from our phone from anywhere in the world.

The world was shook. Multiple times and in multiple ways. 9/11. Iraq. Tsunami. Katrina. Darfur. They go by one name, like celebrities, these events. As a world citizen it is not hard to say that the naughties (00s) stand as an epoch of time. It sometimes feel as if we have lived a lifetime in just these past 8 years. I say 'we' on purpose because oddly, as this technology has taken hold and as people have in some ways retreated, don't we feel a bit closer today?

We nominated an african american for president! It got a little dusty in my house during his official introduction. I had not been nearly as hopeful and happy for us as America since Mr. Bush stood at ground zero with his bullhorn. Please let it be that I do not look back, as I do with the bullhorn incident, and feel so fooled and feel so... what is the word? Extremely disappointed with us and our leadership class.

The 00s will end with a new soul in town. To say I have high hopes is to put it lightly. S/he will have the best mother and such a great role model. A strong woman who, at the same time, has strong tradional values that have guided her and her classes of 20 so well so far - and now she gets to dedicate her time to her very own? Watch. Out.

For me I hope that you live a long and prosperous life and you get to enjoy even half the number of close, deep relationships I have in my life. Listen. Enjoy. Avoid labels and never stay silent about what is true to you. Be quick, but do not hurry. Hahahaha, already being too heavy handed with the advice eh? Well maybe Wooden had it right and so I would make many of these my own little letter to my unborn child:

Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.
Don't mistake activity for achievement.
Little things make big things happen.
Intensity makes you stronger. Emotionalism makes you weaker
If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?
Be true to yourself.
Make each day your masterpiece.
Help others.
Drink deeply from good books.
Make friendship a fine art.
Build a shelter against a rainy day.
Pray for guidance and give thanks for your blessings every day.

They are good reminders for me even now.

And so the 00s and our history? Hard to say how they are going to be written. I personally would say the American people and global citizens around the world have excelled and proven themselves again and again to be resiliant and, hopefully, smarter than we were yesterday. Hopefully soon and certainly in your young lifetime little one we will get the leaders that our now totally interconnected global flock needs.



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