A writing from a jealous bitch who in hindsight is happy:
Mr. Leinhart you stupid piece of crap. You are going to have to live with that dunceheaded interview after the game last night for the rest of your life and I have to think you also will get beat by one of Vince’s inferior teams again my good man. Look for him in the Superbowl after he has watched that interview 60 times the night before and enjoy the scoreboard again, at the end.
You can get the pussy, but wins come by being a leader and showing leadership. Being a bitch doesn’t do it. It gets you beat.
Mr. Leinhart you stupid piece of crap. You are going to have to live with that dunceheaded interview after the game last night for the rest of your life and I have to think you also will get beat by one of Vince’s inferior teams again my good man. Look for him in the Superbowl after he has watched that interview 60 times the night before and enjoy the scoreboard again, at the end.
You can get the pussy, but wins come by being a leader and showing leadership. Being a bitch doesn’t do it. It gets you beat.