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Tuesday, July 05, 2005 

Thank you for reminding me of the Golden Rule… a precept I hold dear.

If you will indulge me for a moment – it is this rule that forms the basis of what I was writing to you. That hopefully one day our species will take into our hearts that the golden rule is maybe not just about us and our fellow man, but about the ‘lesser’ species around us and our natural environment too (whether one wants to agree or disagree that our earth is a living construct hopefully people could learn to treat any air, water or earth as if it was their very own). This would be the ideal and I think is the true struggle we face and perhaps that which your UN fellow was speaking of as well, namely getting into peoples hearts and minds that for the good of us all we do need to take these actions and modify our own selfish instincts. I imagine, with the ingenuity of America, that we could devise some plan to do such a thing.

Because, despite your writings below we have become unmoored from some very basic earthly laws that Mr. E.O. Wilson writes of. Laws that say in a natural environment the larger animals are generally the least prevalent (as evidenced by primates in the wild during his studies). Let me in fact argue that it is this one specific law that we have broken that has caused so very much heartache and trouble (environmentally and sociologically). It can all be related back to this.

Of course now, as I write along channeling Malthus, one might accuse me of taking away very fundamental rights to any individual species or individual person. It is the right of procreation that is perhaps the most fundamental.

I would write to my accuser though to tell them that I would not deny any one person or couple their right to procreate. I just think that we have to understand our limits and communicate about them freely. For the fact is that the power of God himself is here now in our collective hands. Should we decide to face up to our stewardship powers in just one generation we could remake the world into the paradise we have all dreamed of, through natural attrition. Should we decide to abrogate this power I truly fear that we will go the way of the dinosaurs or perhaps some of our ‘lesser’ species – hanging on by a thread.

This growth equation can be used in cases where there is truly this type of growth. For example, when a new species arrives to an island where there is plentiful of food, perfect conditions for reproduction, and no predators, or when a scientist starts growing bacteria under perfect conditions, one can certainly observe this (almost perfect) type of growth; although, not forever. That is why other mathematical models were developed.



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