Waiter Rant: "Turtleneck's so paranoid that he zealously guards what little he has. Assuming the worst about everyone and everything he immediately arrived at the worst conclusion about my character. Everyone is a threat. Everyone wants what he has. We're all wolves in sheep's clothing. He probably treats everyone like that.
Turtleneck must live a lonely existence. Maybe he suffered a trauma that made him that way. Maybe he's stewing in a hell of his own making.
I recall his date last night couldn't wait to leave. She fidgeted uncomfortably throughout the meal. Turtleneck went home alone.
Big surprise."
Turtleneck must live a lonely existence. Maybe he suffered a trauma that made him that way. Maybe he's stewing in a hell of his own making.
I recall his date last night couldn't wait to leave. She fidgeted uncomfortably throughout the meal. Turtleneck went home alone.
Big surprise."