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Wednesday, November 10, 2004 

I wrote the former post in in jest of course. But I guess there is some truth to it as we do need a revolution right now.

I am not talking about a religious revolution however, though I guess to some of us it would be very spiritual. I am talking about a revolution for our Mother Earth, for nature, for our natural world.

As we have seperated ourselves from the jungle and our past I think we have lost something. I can still hear it calling. It is becoming overpowering and I fear soon it will overpower us if we do not do something quick.

The icecaps and our world is melting quick. She does that, goes through changes. I get the feeling though if we don't start listening to her like we now listen to money it will be she who melts and us who melts away. To paraphrase George Carlin, she will just fluff us off like a bad case of the fleas.

She got so close with us though didn't she? Gave us a big brain and compassion and a conscience and love. She gave us light and all these years to figure things out, to learn what was important. And we are doing Her dirty. Some people are doing it behind a dogma of 'the end times are coming anyway' and some are doing it blinded by $$ and some don't even know they are doing it consciously... but we are. To our own detriment for She will be here to see it all, and to start again.

Some days I almost want to try and start my own religion. One that has something to do with the sun burning out, where as a religion that is your goal, to see that happen. I think it could refocus people in the right way maybe. It seems useless trying to fight this 'mind virus' as one has characterized it, so form a new one that has your ideas in mind, like L Ron Hubbard.

Fuck, I don't know. What do we really know anyway huh? We just know what we can see and feel and touch. Those things before are us becoming less each day. No longer can you see or touch or feel the thousands and possibly millions of species that have gone extinct in our short lifetime. No longer can one enjoy a breath of truly fresh air. Not a sip of clean water from a river.

It makes me sad, for we were given so much. The Native Americans had it right when we got here and wanted to teach us and, learn from us. They didn't want blankets full of small pox. I think they could have done without the liquor too. They wanted to talk about their connection to the land and how great that could be, how it was available to all of us. How we are all God's (Earth's) children. How they had lived for 30000 years in this place of plenty.

What have we done in 250 years? Some great things. Some amazing advancements. We should be proud. We should also take some time to understand where we have gone wrong and where we could do better. Morality is not just about marriage. In fact, if you do care about marriage let's say this much I would hope that you care about our world and our survival and our fellow species survival (besides cockroaches) this much. Maybe even more, but that is the biggest font allowed in my window.

As we drift off tonight, all of us, evangelicals, Muslims, Native Americans, Americans, Kenyans, business men, environmentalists, hippies, priests let us think of the jungle still there in our mind, in our heart. She is calling to you, please listen. Love.



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