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Monday, July 12, 2004 

Good points below, thanks to Altercation.

Name: John S. Lucas
Hometown: El Cerrito, CA
Sometimes it is hard to know where to direct one’s anger. In the Ozarks they have a saying. Do not try to teach a pig how to sing. All you will do is end up annoying the pig and you will end up being frustrated. The President and his crew are beyond any help but people like you and the alleged Liberal media probably fit into that category also.

In the years that I drove truck the only thing on the radio, with a few exceptions such as NPR, was Limbaugh, his clones and Christian radio. If it was not for Bernie Ward and Ray Taliaferro on KGO I think I would have gone completely nuts. In an age with the computer things have improved but I still do not think you get it.

I am supporting Kerry because as a fellow Vietnam veteran I understand where he is coming from on the war. I love Edwards because not only does he get what the problem is but has articulated it so well with his two Americas theme.

My problem is with people like you and the alleged journalists who have covered the President. A capsule of what the main issue that is confronting America is what the President did to get into the Air National Guard and out of the draft. The then Secretary of Sate of Texas pulled strings to get the President into the Guard. Someone from the other America had to take his place and take the risks of being sent to war. As a veteran of that war I admit that it is personal. I knew many boys, for we were all boys then, who came from that second America and got to pay the many prices of doing what your country wanted you to do. I have no problem with those that were against the war and went to Canada. I think of draft resisters who went to jail for their beliefs as heroes. It does not bother me that the Vice President decided not to serve and got deferments. The hypocrisy of what the President and his father did is at the core of what is wrong with this country. Both men supported the Vietnam War and the father used political pull to get his son out of it. If you really give it some thought this is what the Republican Party stands for and the President is really the poster boy for what the Republicans are all about. First America, second America.

I cannot get real mad at Bush for a man who would do such a thing is missing something inside. That something is called Character and sadly one either has it or does not.

You on the other hand are a different cup of tea. I read your blog every day and I think you care about this country and all that live in it. You are obviously well educated and are certainly smarter than I am. How is it that you do not get what the President did to get into the guard as an important issue in this election? How is it that Chris Mathews, any of 60 Minutes crew, Tom Brokaw, Dan Rather, and the rest of these “journalists” have not asked the President or any of his crew about this? They say that 45% of the country will always vote for Bush. I will tell you that it is not true. If this story ever got the coverage it deserved and everyone was aware of it and of its implications Bush could not get elected to dog catcher.

Who is at fault here? It is not Bush for what he did lines up with his beliefs. In front of a bunch of his first America crowd he said, “Some would call you the elite but I call you my base.” He meant it. The problem is with all you smart commentators and journalists. It is your job to get the facts out to everyone. The facts of the President sending someone else to face the risks of the draft by using political pull should be known to every person in this country. That it is not is because of the “liberal media” and commentators like you. Though I like you and agree with you politically on 90% of what you write I must tell that you really piss me off.



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