Op-Ed Columnist - Learning to Speak Climate - Op-Ed - NYTimes.com
"This is the opinion page. And my trip with Denmark’s minister of climate and energy, Connie Hedegaard, to see the effects of climate change on Greenland’s ice sheet leaves me with a very strong opinion: Our kids are going to be so angry with us one day.
We’ve charged their future on our Visa cards. We’ve added so many greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, for our generation’s growth, that our kids are likely going to spend a good part of their adulthood, maybe all of it, just dealing with the climate implications of our profligacy. And now our leaders are telling them the way out is “offshore drilling” for more climate-changing fossil fuels.
Madness. Sheer madness.
No wonder everyone here speaks climate now — your kids will, too, and sooner than they think."
This give me the chills but not in a good way. Chills of dread. I hope that we really start turning this, our Titanic, around otherwise it does seem like the poor young chap (or lady) shall be bailing water all their lives.