Wednesday, June 27, 2007 

First Read : Headline writers are dumbasses

Let us not be swayed by the dumb ass headline that some dumb ass wrote because Mr. Edwards talks directly against this point. Jeezuz, you really have to wonder sometimes what one has to say to get a point across. Is this not clear enough that you should not have a headline like that which you do?

J. EDWARDS: I applaud Elizabeth. I think that when people like Ann Coulter -- and it's not just her, unfortunately, it's her and people just like her, Karl Rove and all those people. I mean, when they engage us in this kind of hatemongering, you have to stand up to them. You have to stand up to them. They start this fight, but we have to be willing to be strong and to fight back. Because if we don't, Chris, what happens is all the important things: men and women dying in Iraq, those who don't have health insurance, et cetera, their issues don't get heard. Instead, it's this -- it's this low-level dialogue with this name-calling, which is what we see.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007 

Digg - In a Huge Suprise 50 High School Scholars urge Bush to ban use of torture

Digg - In a Huge Suprise 50 High School Scholars urge Bush to ban use of torture

I have no idea why it is so hard to find the actual text of this letter on the internets. I suppose in this case maybe these young patriots fall into the same category as Osama in our strange new world since 9/11?

Friday, June 22, 2007 

ESPN - GM to expand Tiger's role beyond selling Buicks - Golf

ESPN - GM to expand Tiger's role beyond selling Buicks - Golf: "Woods' schedule is uncertain now that he's a first-time father. His daughter, Sam Alexis Woods, was born on Monday."

Seems dude really wanted a boy. Welcome to the world Sam.

Thursday, June 21, 2007 

If you are interested in some Summer '07 fun go here. If you are not go here.
UPDATED: had to take it down for a friend my friend. Sorry.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007 

Who Loves Designer Vaginas? / This just in: Science and nature are mocking America's fickle God. Please, no screaming

Who Loves Designer Vaginas? / This just in: Science and nature are mocking America's fickle God. Please, no screaming: "You can choose nimbleness, lightness, a sly and knowing grin to go with your wine and your vibrator and your never-ending thirst for more and deeper information. It's possible."




N(Lost Post)athan

I bagged and now I must come clean and say that the LOST finale was one of the best pieces of television I have ever seen. I love it and I want to marry it.




I shall link to myself in hopes of being google blacklisted - a term and idea I didn't know existed until this week, but I have grown very fond of very quickly.

Friday, June 15, 2007 

I Do Not Have $1 Million / Ergo, I cannot buy a delicious home in San Francisco. Ergo, I am screwed forever

I Do Not Have $1 Million / Ergo, I cannot buy a delicious home in San Francisco. Ergo, I am screwed forever: "Hey, is a humble, well-designed million-dollar pad in the city really too much to ask?"

If it is you who has to go then I will have no reason to go to my friend.



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