SW's Energy Gap: World Temperatures Keep Rising With a Hot 2005: "World Temperatures Keep Rising With a Hot 2005: 'Many climatologists, along with policymakers in a number of countries, believe the rapid temperature rise over the past 50 years is heavily driven by the burning of fossil fuels and other human activities that have spewed carbon dioxide and other 'greenhouse gases' into the atmosphere. A vocal minority of scientists say the warming climate is the result of a natural cycle.'
This is poor journalism because of one word. Can you see it? The word is 'many'. The correct word would have been MOST. With this one error, this otherwise decent piece was shamelessly degraded, I would argue intentionally. I would like to know if this was the work of the editor or the reporter."
This is poor journalism because of one word. Can you see it? The word is 'many'. The correct word would have been MOST. With this one error, this otherwise decent piece was shamelessly degraded, I would argue intentionally. I would like to know if this was the work of the editor or the reporter."