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Friday, June 03, 2005 

Would love to discuss this further. I think leaders are all among us - and it has nothing to do with titles or status. I am not sure if you remember, but years ago we talked about Big Man and his leadership and you kind of laughed at me when I said that I planned on being a better leader than him one day. It is something I will never forget - it is a motivating factor for me. Let me say this though, that I feel all ready that I am a better leader than him, but in different perhaps more pedestrian ways. I think if you were to know some people close to me and talk to them about the way that I effect them, you might just agree one of these days...

And so I will say this, that we are not showing leadership through these tough times by going back to the sand pit and fighting like kiddies. Instead, we had a huge opportunity to offer people a different, moral worldview. We could have shown that we can listen and that we can understand and that we can be compassionate. As much as I hate to demean others in the world in this manner, we could have tried to relate to others as a moral upstanding man might to a child or a man to a dog. Otherwise, we turn into the bickering Palestinians/Israelies.

Imagine if you would that we had gone to the world as a true leader. Saying that we understand that we are now a global community and we need to face up to this fact and be responsible about it. We would like to do our best to cut down our emissions and our terrible rate of consumption so that we can save our world for our fellow humans and our future generations. That we want to work with others to get out of this shadow that we are currently under. We plan on decreasing our military budget and putting that money and effort towards both smart environmentally sound development and inward development of humans as we have so much work to do in this area.

We wanted to provide an avenue where people could have their voices heard and see action taken. Dating back to Roman times when people stood on 30 foot columns to the present where rappers talk about their inner-city problems, people have wanted to talk about what matters to them and see some action about it. Otherwise they shut down, close up and sometimes, get a gun and go to Columbine - or fly a plane into a building.

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