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Thursday, June 30, 2005 

The communication between uncle and nephew continues:

Ok then. Onto what I wrote of earlier in this little break I have right now.

I have written to you in the past about the environment and our earth. We have communicated about liberals and conservatives. I have even thrown in some obtuse references to Salem during the 17th century and sports writers. What am I trying to get at come the end of the day?

These various topics are all intertwined as we increasingly are in this new age that we live in (where you get this letter from me in a brief millisecond). The extremism that I see in the crazy eyes of the infamous 19 suicide bombers struck me similarly as when I looked at pictures of Timothy McVeigh, the Unabomber and sadly, even some of the kids I see sometimes out on the basketball court. The extremism doesn’t stop there though. As liberals have moved out in their extreme forests (wrapping themselves sometimes in scientology or environmentalist or anarchist cloaks) so too have conservatives to some degree (as evidenced by our budget issues, our arguable ‘policing’ of the world, and big government programs such as the Homeland Security department). We have become unmoored and as I wrote, it feels more and more like the law of the jungle at home and abroad. We are unmoored not only from traditional liberal, conservative and moral beliefs, but each other and…

‘But how does this have to do with the environment and our earth?’ you might write or wonder about. Let me offer you my theory: it all starts there. Like Gandalf in Lord of the Rings, we need the smaller and truly meek among us (‘lesser’ species) to save us. Talk about an obtuse reference eh?

It is as we have neglected those species we are pushing towards extinction and my personal spiritual reference, the Earth, that we have moved away from the moderation and even stance that might allow us and others to succeed in the long run. We and she (Mother Earth) have moved towards an extreme arena where, unfortunately, I think we lose out as we all ready have in Florida last year and Southeast Asia this past year.

Not to say that we are to blame necessarily for these problems that we are seeing around us with our natural world, but we aren’t helping either. Just as we are not helping our Earth to continue on in this moderate, pleasant manner by not paying attention to the weather and natural messages she is sending us so too are we not helping the children of Columbine by all guessing their motivations and not really taking the time to step back and truly listen with an open mind and an open heart.

This is by way of saying that I do not begrudge you pride in America and our fantastic history – I in fact share in this with you. I don’t begrudge the French pride in their county or South Africans theirs. What I would have hoped for though in this new age turning point in our history (and possibly even geologic history itself) a unifying message saying that we all have our pride and our prejudice, but that we are a team on this spinning little globe. We should lead the world in this truly new challenge, never before faced by man. In the process I think we not only would have beat the terrorists to pulp, but led the change our Mother Earth and her residents are desperately hoping for – away from extreme swings and towards a moderate, pleasant future.



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