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Monday, April 18, 2005 

The letter writer:

Hypocrisy is what bothers me so very much about our current way of acting in the world. From this example that you cite, with Pakistan, to here on the home front where our Republican friends depict themselves as victims (of the liberal media, of a secular society, of overtaxation, etc.) it is pervasive.

It is an untruth, a lie, but even worse than that it truly is weak and sad that people no longer have the strength of integrity and conviction to truly speak and act true to their beliefs.
4/18/2005 6:14 PM

Hello Dr. Marshall,
I am very happy to see you calling out this Republican victim mentality as you have been – I hope more start recognizing this dark turn in American politics and American life for what it is: a complete sham.

It seems that American’s love of the underdog has recently been morphed into this victim mentality. To me, it is a disgusting turn in a great country. When did Republicans and others start absolving themselves of responsibility by claiming not only that they are underdogs (because of the darn liberal media, because of liberal elites all around us, etc.) but that they are in fact victims? It makes me sick. I see this in other areas of life too; especially with my born again sister who feels the whole world is out to get and undermine self described Jesus freaks such as herself.

It seems to me that when people from middle America talk about how Democrat’s and the media ‘do not speak their language’ they are correct as they have truly bought into the lie that they are victims, for it is a comfortable, lazy way to view the world. Like Al Franken writes about, these people view a type of political parental guardian (e.g. Bush) as the greatest thing as he understands that they are victims (he is one himself) and writes policy and makes public appearances that solidify this.

I hope with more communication and understanding people can start breaking out of this addictive victim mentality. Maybe a thirteenth step?

Keep up the good work



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