The New York Times > Washington > Army Officials Voice Concern Over Shortfall in Recruitment: "The Army is so short of new recruits that for first time in nearly five years it failed in February to fill its monthly quota of volunteers sent to boot camp. Army officials called it the latest ominous sign of the Iraq war's impact on the military's ability to enlist fresh troops. "
Very interesting idea. Gut feeling I am against it, but I definetely see your reasoning.
The point that I come back to on is this: all ready Americans in general are not being asked to sacrifice much (if anything at all) for this war effort. This is evidenced by the huge tax cuts and Bushco's 'go out and spend and enjoy, etc.'
I truly feel if we were to do this sort of thing it would further add to the American apathy in general and about this war particularly.
Posted by
Nathan |
9:04 AM