- Documents: U.S. condoned Iraq oil smuggling - Feb 2, 2005: "'How is it that you stand on a moral footing to go after the U.N. when they're responsible for 15 percent maybe of the ill-gotten gains, and we were part and complicit of him getting 85 percent of the money?' Menendez asked."
Thank you for your comment. My take on this is that there are a number of world wide institutions that are racked by corruption and mis-management. Unfortunately I feel that the USA is one, and our on-again, off-again, political hand- the UN is probably another. OPEC is another. And our multi national corporations, taken together, are another.
I hope that quick, decisive steps are taken to address all. The UN is the very least of our worries at this point it seems like. It seems that some are using them as an easy straw man to knock down (not unlike how poor gays are being used domestically) and divert attention from our own nefarious deeds internationally. The reality is just a few weeks ago it seems all the blame was being put on the UN for the oil-for-food scandal- it was ridiculous to me at the time (for who owns the multi-national corporations who would have eventually profited off Iraq's oil?) and seems even more ridiculous in light of these new facts and figures.
I think in this program and this escalating corruption surrounding oil and weapons and aid one might find the true reason for our ongoing war in Iraq.
Posted by
Nathan |
10:46 AM