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Monday, January 24, 2005 

Hello Mr. Scarborough,
Respectfully I wanted to offer you that I dislike George Bush and those behind this empty suit of a man for exactly the opposite reason that you state:

Maybe that approach is what infuriates 48 percent of Americans.
But after listening for years to pundits and talking heads bemoan the fact that all politicians are blow-dried, poll tested zombies, isn't it refreshing to have a regular guy who says: "This is what I believe. If you like it, vote for me. If you don't, vote for the other guy."

I understand a died in the wool partisan such as yourself might not understand, but from Clear Skies to No Child Left Behind to the Iraq war to Social Security, this man and those behind him have done the exact opposite of what you state. They have lied with impunity and not said at all what they truly believe (the most recent example is with Social Security- what are the details that they believe about this besides CRISIS! ?) There are other examples of course- I will give you just one more and hopefully you can start to re-think some things.

Let us think about this: Instead of rating numbers for your program you were judged on the intelligence of your audience. At the end of your show a multiple choice test was given to all who watched and this was the measure of you- should you do well you could keep your job with no real raises or bonuses, should you do poorly you fail and your network fails. The kicker here though is that some nights you might just have people watching who did not speak or read English or people who were not familiar with how to fill in bubbles or pick from multiple choices. Or maybe you had someone as intelligent as Stephen Hawking watching your program, but unfortunately he could not use the interface very well or did not focus on your program as closely as he might have due to some crazy worm hole thing he was thinking about.

What conclusions might this lead you to about your profession? What are the beliefs or things going unsaid here? To my mind there are many ‘beliefs’ not being talked about… maybe it is just me.



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