Page 2 - Finding Timelessness in sports: "It was hard to watch both that scene and the movie for the next few minutes, but I accomplished it. Soon, the picture began to work its magic on us and absorbed me. It did to this father, too, even though you could tell he was fighting against it. The young boy, I figure, had seen it before. As the picture wound to its climax, the purveyors of violence gained the inevitable and Biblical fruits of what they'd sown.
The father was now moved by what he'd seen. And now he was the one humiliated. And the boy knew that he'd won. They left the theater, boy in front, showing the way out of the confusing maze of a mall. The step-father was now contrite in his confusion, asking for directions; and, between the lines, for forgiveness."
Wiley, not his best work, but consistently better than most (all) out there.
The father was now moved by what he'd seen. And now he was the one humiliated. And the boy knew that he'd won. They left the theater, boy in front, showing the way out of the confusing maze of a mall. The step-father was now contrite in his confusion, asking for directions; and, between the lines, for forgiveness."
Wiley, not his best work, but consistently better than most (all) out there.